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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Black Guy Walks Into Starbucks, Says "Racist," Immediately Gets Free Coffee

White guilt gone wild

A new video shows a black man walking into Starbucks, dropping the word “racist” and immediately being given a free coffee.

The stunt was in response to news that Starbucks is set to close 8,000 stores for an afternoon for race-bias training.

Bryan Sharpe, who goes by “Hotep Jesus” on Twitter, recorded himself walking into a Starbucks and telling a barista, “I heard ya’ll was racist, so I came to get my free coffee.”



  1. Don't like Starbucks racist coffee and will never try it. Whole family has quit going there.

  2. Sue them so I can see the snowflake liberals going to get the coffee at McDs lol

  3. Typical of people like them to expect more free stuff.

    1:10 seems like another koolaide drinking sheeple believing everything the MSM dishes out and never wandered past the bury's borders to see what life was like in the big city.

    I am sure the bathroom key policy was in place because of the drunks homeless and druggies in them there big city. It is not a public restroom and for patrons only. The results of the actions of people who don't believe rules applies to them has consequences and the true victim is the girl who lost her job over this fake bullshit.

    This is a made just shitstorm to distract you from something else more important going on and you weak minded dolt are lapping it up.

    1. I truly believe you and you can blame Obama.

  4. Never liked Starbucks anyway. if the two guys that got arrested would not leave when asked and police arrested them. That is standard protocol. I don't care what race they were. This is just stupid liberal thinking. If the guys arrested were white nothing would have been said or done about it. This is just another example of stupid liberal black privilege.

  5. Starbucks very racist

  6. I saw the video which was done as a lark after Starbucks had two men arrested for sitting in the store not having bought anything. We are out of control.

  7. Their coffee tastes like White Priveledge. Anyone who goes there is a racist!

    1. Good close the LIBERAL coffee shop up but the pro black libs are Two faced and Won't do it.

    2. Funniest thing I have read in a while and I plan on using it often.

  8. When they started loving on Muslims and Homos, they lost my business. Their coffee sucked anyway.

  9. That guy knows how to work the system.Those people at starbucks are real idiots.

  10. I'm enjoying my white privilege!

  11. By law, if you are asked to leave an establishment and elect not to for whatever reason. You are considered to to be trespassing which is a criminal offense and you are subject to arrest. Don't care what color your skin is you are breaking the law.

  12. I pay extra just for the racism cuz it makes me feel safe. And though I'm not a real Starbucks drinker, nor did I stay at a holiday in express last night

  13. 301
    Who is in your group (out of control)?
    What is it that you guys are doing?

    OH, Wait a minute . . .

    You meant to type Starbucks Corporation is out of control?

  14. Guess its true - Starbucks coffee makes you and idiot. Just look at their management - IDIOTS!

  15. Will this be part of the Dems' reparations bill? Free coffee?

  16. FREE coffe for All.

  17. Quit going to Starbucks years ago after only 2 or 3 visits, realizing their products were overpriced crap.


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