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Monday, April 23, 2018

Black Coffee: The Starbucks Story Is Trash

This is a country of 325-million people. If two guys getting tossed out of a coffee shop is news, then things in Donald Trump's America must be going pretty damned well.

But if the story were only meaningless trash, it would just be typical of American journalism. But it's pernicious trash meant to advance a false left-wing narrative, which is — oh yeah! — typical of American journalism. In fact, this particular story is a textbook example of why our journalism needs reform.

American journalism is a largely Democrat affair. About 7% of journalists identify as Republicans. About 28% identify as Democrats. About 50% identify as independents but they are lying and are also Democrats. Although many news outlets don't permit their reporters to donate to political campaigns, of those reporters who did donate in the last election, 96% donated to Hillary Clinton.

Now. Ever since Barack Obama diverted attention from his failed presidency by race baiting, the majority of Democrats have come to feel that America is a racist country. (The majority did not feel this way before Obama. Strange, no?).


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