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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bill seeks to lower DC voting age to 16

WASHINGTON - A bill has been proposed to lower the voting age in the District of Columbia to 16 years old.

D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen (D-Ward 6) introduced The Youth Vote Amendment Act of 2018 on Tuesday. The measure would allow a D.C. resident to register to vote on local District races in addition to the presidential election starting on their 16th birthday.

Currently, D.C. residents must be at least 18 years old by the next general election in order to vote.


  1. Why not just go ahead and give it to the unborn? Oh, that's right, they're not people.

  2. You got to be kidding us , if anything D.C. residence should be at least 35 years old to vote . Marion Barry has ruined that city.

  3. Just what this country needs a bunch of teenagers that can berely read and write voting.Democrats are determined to destroy this country with socialism and communism.A civil war will be brewing befor long and I know what side I fighting on.You wait, it won't be long and they will want to change the name of our Capital city because George Washington was a slave owner. God help us.

  4. The good thing is that the kids that would vote come from two parent families who have skin in the game and would vote Republican.

  5. totally irresponsible 18 is young enough

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 12, 2018 at 6:18 PM

    WOW! Democ-rats must be Really Desperate in "getting more votes" from liberally brainwashed young Snowflakes. Well, after using votes of welfare minoritie minorities, brainwashed college kids and dead people, they knw they still doƱ't have enough to win. And the Sheeple keep cheering.

  7. These are the same people that are eating tide pods. Another dumbass Democrat trying to rally up mindless votes.

  8. We should lower the age to 10 and give out free suckers with every vote.

  9. more ignorant prople voting...

  10. NO Way Hos'e !!! Minors are Minors

    No Sex No Beer No Draft >> NO Vote !!!!

    The country is screwed up Enough with the adults who vote !!

  11. Great now the stupidest among us will be voting along with the dead and illegal!

  12. Try them as adults at 16. Don't let them vote and not have all the responsibility of changing public policy to suit just one portion of the agenda.

  13. Last month DC clowns were saying that kids under 21 were to unsafe and there brain was not fully developed to make a good decision so they wanted to raise the age of gun ownership to 21. Now something as important as a vote to shape the country is going to go to 16 year olds? We need a full on civil war, we need to go to DC and kill them all. Talk about stupid idiots, this takes the cake!

  14. I won't even opine on something this asinine.

  15. Go ahead, DC votes don't count in national elections anyway.


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