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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Biggest Black Lives Matter Page on Facebook Was Fake, CNN Says

The biggest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook allegedly was fake, run by a white Australian man who used it to raise at least $100,000 for various causes, CNN reported.

Titled Black Lives Matter, the page was suspended on Monday after CNN inquired about it. The reportedly fake account came to light as Facebook grapples with its public relations nightmare of allegedly failing to protect personal data of its users and for sharing fake news.

Blogger Jerry Massler wrote about the website in December, after noticing that while it posted some content about the Black Lives Matter movement, it went off message at other times, posting items from right wing websites and conspiracy theory memes.

According to Massler, at the time the site had 695,000 followers while the official Black Lives Matter Facebook page had a little more than 300,000 followers.



  1. Who would know the difference?

  2. CN reporting this ? Something is UP .

  3. Dave T: I'll give the benefit of the doubt on this, I think the entire BLM movement is fake. Any decent black person has much more sense than to fall for such nonsense. And for those who do believe it's a relevant movement, sorry for your poor judgement, because it's not. You're just being manipulated by the liberal left to serve their twisted ideology until they decide to abandon you among the many others who've served their cause only to be canibalized in the end.

  4. Fake meaning black lives don't matter?
    Fake meaning people who are black did not create the page?

    Inquiring white people's minds want to know

  5. Well if the leader in fake news says so.

  6. The whole Black Lives Matters movement is FAKE. If black lives truly mattered, the blacks would protest black on black crime and seek a solution. The only time that “black lives matter” is when a white person kills them and it’s convenient to play the victim/race card. The biggest problem in society today is black on black crime. However, they have no interest in addressing and fixing that. Blacks won’t testify, cooperate or become a witness against another black perpetrator even if they see the crime first hand. You can’t have it both ways

  7. No big surprise either.


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