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Sunday, April 08, 2018

Biden: 'The 2nd Amendment Is Being Very Badly Interpreted' - There Is 'Prostitution of the 2nd Amendment'

During a discussion at the University of Pennsylvania on Thursday, former Vice President Joe Biden stated that the 2nd Amendment has been interpreted “badly” and the nation has decided it can’t ignore the “prostitution” of the amendment.

Biden said, “I think there’s a 2nd Amendment. I think the 2nd Amendment is being very badly interpreted. It’s not consistent with what they’re — our founders intended, in my view. You saw Justice John Paul Stevens say that we should — because it’s been so prostituted, we should repeal the 2nd Amendment. It was about a standing militia. It’s a long story. I won’t go into all the legal side of that having taught it in law school. But there’s rational or irrational policy.”



  1. Joe should go piss up a rope. Groping bastard

  2. Biden was a prostitute for Obama.

  3. Did not think creepy joe could be any more creepy, but I have been proven wrong.

  4. Typical democrat ! Taking your rights one at a time.

  5. This is the same idiot that said to go on your balcony and fire off a shot gun if someone threatens you. Joe Biden is a clown who fondles little children. according to some secret service agents he fondles their wives also.

  6. The nation decided in 2016 that the 2nd Amendment must be defended against the likes of Creepy Joe, Hobama and Killary!!!

  7. Says the guy who enjoys touching young children.

  8. He doesn't want the father of any of the kids that he has molested have a gun!

  9. Is the Constitution like the bible,where various versions are different than others,or is it still intact and exactly like it was 242 years ago when it was written?

  10. Wow a lot of hate for someone who has a great point. Lest we forget the Constitution was written in a time when a person of color was considered 3/5 of a person according to the law. That's the conservative way though, pick and choose what must remain untouched as long as it suits your agenda.

    1. lest we forget it was only pen and quill also

    2. Lest you two idiots forget the second amendment gives protection to the first. I’m sure you two would love to see everybody disarmed and trust the govt to protect us.

  11. That's right Joe it's about being armed and being able to form a milita to protect our homes and familes from those like you Joe Biden that attempt to take away our God given and constitutionally guaranteed rights.

  12. There is something these liberals are forgetting about the 2nd Amendment. the 2nd Amendment was for a citizen militia to protect the citizens against a tyrannical government and preventing the government from over taxing and suppressing the citizens. The exact reason this country was founded on.


  13. 4:15 Let's just say the 3/5 figure is awkward, in our view today. But how was it arrived?

    Southern states wanted all those residing there counted in the census because it would bump up their population and provide more representatives in House of Representatives. Against that view were Northern states who had larger cities and thought they would lose seats to the south. Result: An awkward compromise. But not with the evil southern twist most current day whiners like to spin.

    As to Biden, thrown out of law school for a year for plagiarism, and made a fool by Sarah Palin in debate when he didn't know the job of VP in the Senate, you take your chances with anything purporting to be fact that dribbles out his piehole.

  14. The Dem's really want to prop up Joe in 2020? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

  15. Senile old fools need to just go away, or better yet, be euthanized.
    Hillary, and Joe, need to go.

  16. Only Biden can associate prostitution with the 2nd amendment. Go Trump

  17. The 2A is about the People protecting themselves from the Government

  18. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 2, 2018 at 9:26 PM

    Crazy Uncle Joe blabbing out loud again? Well, he surely knows more about prostitution than 2nd amendment. And mentioning 97 yr old liberal judge commenting on anything doesnt hold any water. Both men are mentally challenged and need to be institutionalized in some rich senior home. Maybe they can be put in charge of Ladies Night Bingo Mania. Can you say BINGO!?

  19. Uncle Joe is absolutely correct. The 2nd amendment IS being badly interpreted. But that is from people like him. It is clear as to what it means and intended. The 2nd amendment has been violated in 1968 and before, and they intend to violate it more, to the point that there is no 2nd amendment.

    The USSC has already ruled that one does not have to belong to a militia to be legally armed. The 2nd has been infringed upon time after time after time.

    It is universally accepted that felons cannot own, possess, etc. any firearm for the rest of their life, unless they can somehow have their rights restored.

    I do not agree with that and probably never will. There are too many felonies, non-violent felonies, which will snatch away one's rights, often a lifetime ban. When one has completed their sentence, their right to own firearms should automatically be restored. A lifetime ban is not only being punished twice, it goes against the constitution, IMO.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The 2A is about the People protecting themselves from the Government

    April 2, 2018 at 8:16 PM

    That's right, and as such, people are allowed to have whatever the government has.

  21. Again, why does this clown and the fat failed one get coverage? Oh, don't forget the smiling simpleton that ran our great State of Maryland in the ground. What do these subjects all have in common you ask? They ALL want so badly to be your leader and they NEVER will.

  22. And this old boy wants to be your president. Lol

  23. What does the Democratic Party stand for these days? Clearly not for minority's considering worse neighborhoods in the country are democratic control. Not for the working man considering taxes and Obamacare are strangling this class. Not for women considering it took the current president to write into law women advancement of women in particular fields! So what then ? Boarder protection? Gun rights?

  24. USSC has already ruled on the 2nd uncle joe, and no one has to belong to a militia if that's where you're going

  25. Democrats are for destroying America.

  26. Biden just needs to fade away; every time he opens his mouth he proves what a moron he really is.

  27. No idea how people that perpetuate lies like that can look themselves in the mirror.


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