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Friday, April 13, 2018

Belgian Islamic Party Announces 'Islamic State' End Goal

The Belgian Islamic party Partij Islam is set to run candidates in 28 municipalities in the upcoming Belgian municipal elections, and have declared their intention to create an Islamic State in which women and men have to ride in separate buses.

The Partij Islam is likely hoping to do well in highly Muslim-populated areas like Molenbeek and Anderlecht where the party already has some representation, HLN reports.

Anderlecht municipal councillor Redouane Ahrouch, the treasurer of the party, told Belgian media: “Our goal is a one hundred percent Islamic state.”

Ahrouch, who works also as a bus driver in Anderlecht, said that many women have complained to him that men were trying to sexually harass and grab them. His solution to the problem, he said, is to separate public transport by sex so that women have their own buses.



  1. The solution to the problem could be separate buses, but a better one would be to deal with the harassers who think that they're entitled to assault women.

    1. To look at a Muslim women if you are an infidel is, to them, sexual harassment! So are you going to charge all infidels? Maybe you should learn more about sharia before making such a statement, that is their goal Sharia law!

    2. 893 move to Iran.

  2. 8:03 - But that would infringe on the rights of the harassers and we certainly cannot have that!!

  3. 8:03 NO a better solution would be to outlaw the muslims.Kick them out of the country.But do it now, today, because it is almost too late.If you don't you will be sorrrrry.

  4. Europe turned her back on God many years ago. No one there goes to church, or believes in God, or even believes in their own legitimacy. The rampaging Mohammedan horde is exactly what they deserve.

  5. We ain't having it.

  6. OH, come on now. You know, you KNOW, that every religious person wants their government to walk lock step with their brand of religiosity.

    This isn't just a Muslim thing... this is an every religion thing. This is just shocking for you because the majority of Americans aren't Muslim.

    Think about it.. Christians want to force prayer in schools and government, force their iconography and commandments to be displayed everywhere... want to squash or silence any minority dispays. They want special exemptions from the law and call it their "conscience", and want to make what is legal to be illegal because their holy book says so.

    To me, you don't seem so different than these Muslims. You'll argue that this is a "Christian" nation, and that the majority of you are Christian..... same thing the Muslims are trying to do... secure a majority then vote your way of life into law.

  7. Muslim men seem to think that women are to be loved and honored almost as much as their goats.

  8. Belgium and Europe deserve what they will be getting.


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