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Thursday, April 05, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Joins Coalition of Attorneys General in Filing Suit to Block

Trump Administration from Demanding Citizenship Info in 2020 Census

Citizenship Demand Would Depress Turnout in States with Large Immigrant Populations – Threatening States’ Fair Representation in Congress and Electoral College, as well as Billions in Critical Federal Funds

BALTIMORE, MD – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh, part of a coalition of 18 Attorneys General, six cities, and the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors, today filed a lawsuit to block the Trump Administration from demanding citizenship information in the 2020 decennial Census. Demanding citizenship information would depress Census turnout in states with large immigrant populations, directly threatening those states’ fair representation in Congress and the Electoral College, as well as billions of dollars in critical federal funds for education, infrastructure, Medicaid, and more.

“The Trump Administration’s decision to demand citizenship information is an attempt to intimidate voters and to suppress the vote,” said Attorney General Frosh. “It will undermine the accuracy of the Census, result in the loss of federal funds for Maryland and deprive our state of fair representation in Congress. This maneuver will not withstand constitutional scrutiny.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/040318.pdf


  1. Democrats always seem to fear the truth.

  2. what took him so long

  3. This guy is the most unAmerican, anti-Trump a-hole ever born. He needs to go away.

  4. Can anyone share what Frosh has done for them. He's as big a phony as the Comptroller.

  5. He should put behind bars for supporting illegals in the country.

  6. So exactly why do the dumbocrats keep putting illegal invaders to this country ahead of the citizens?

  7. How the ell can we get rid of this froshole? He's the biggest embarrassment to the entire state od Md...except to the illegals that is...

  8. Vote Craig Wolf.

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 5, 2018 at 6:17 PM

    Frosh is an liberal a$$-hole who is hell bent on throwing blocks in front of Trump Administration. Keep in mind, he is getting paid with Our Taxpayers Money. And who does he represents? He is not fit to be Attorney General and needs to resign. Come On Hogan, Fire this Bum & Make Maryland Great Again!


  10. Frosh is a major embarrassment to Maryland, and to his profession. Given the low reputations MD and lawyers enjoy, that's perhaps his only accomplishment.

  11. Here we are poor tax payers pay for his personal liberal agenda

  12. This is one sad state,Delaware is exploding in growth and coming here is like going to a socialist run country and the kooks in charge want to fight the president.

  13. Why would ANYONE not want this question asked? Why should we support and pay these illegals to hide in this country. I can't believe this is even an issue why should we ignore LAWBREAKERS! Stealing our money. The democrats don't want to lose their vote! Again how can any rational person not want to know where the criminals are?


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