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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Are There Any Adults Left in Washington, D.C.?

As America approaches her 250th birthday, her instruction manual, the U.S. Constitution, is under assault as never before. The First Amendment is under attack by campus speech police and social media, censoring and deciding which political statements are welcomed and which are verboten. The Second Amendment is threatened by leftist elitists happy to ban guns for the law-abiding as long as they can have armed guards protecting themselves and their families from the criminals who don't give a whit about whatever gun laws the left proposes.

It's not only the Bill of Rights under assault, but also Article Two of the Constitution – specifically, the first section, detailing how a president is elected to a four-year term.

President Donald Trump was lawfully and constitutionally elected to serve as America's 45th president for a term of four years, commencing in January 2017. Unless he is impeached and removed from office, as dictated by the Constitution, for high crimes and misdemeanors, he is entitled to serve through January 2021. If he chooses to seek a second term and the voters re-elect him, he may serve eight years.

This is how our government works: the peaceful transition of power from one president to the next. At least, this is how it is supposed to work and has for the first 44 American presidents.



  1. One has to think that things really changed with #44, and not for the better.

  2. Absolutely right. Love to see his sealed documents.


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