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Thursday, April 05, 2018

Andrew McCabe’s Wife Falsely Claims He ‘Kept Himself Separate’ From Her State Senate Campaign

Jill McCabe, the wife of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, falsely claimed in a Monday op-ed that her husband "kept himself separate" from her state senate campaign.

McCabe, who ran in 2015 as a Democrat for a Virginia State Senate seat, said the last year and a half have been a "nightmare" for her and her family because of "twisted reporting and presidential tweets." She wrote in her Washington Post op-ed that she is now, however, free to speak out because her husband is no longer at the FBI.

The "accidental politician" highlighted how she and her husband met, her career in the medical field, and various aspects of her state senate campaign in 2015, including her support from former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) and her husband's role in the campaign.

"He consulted with the ethics experts at the FBI and committed to follow their advice," McCabe said of her husband. "We tried to go even beyond what the rules required — Andrew kept himself separate from my campaign," she claimed.



  1. Yes and the 700K donation from the Clinton campaign was ethical as well.These people thought Hillary would win and none of this would ever be found out--GUESS WHAT --TRUMP WON !

  2. I guess she has not seen the family photo for her campaign with him wearing a campaign T-shirt. Typical Lib all lies.

  3. Why would someone lie who's married to a former Deputy Director at the FBI?

    Uh, maybe he taught her some of his skills?

  4. I can hardly wait for the military tribunals to start...hunger for truth.

  5. she's a liar taking from the HRC playbook.

  6. The very same ethics experts at the FBI said to fire him and now are seeking charges.


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