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Monday, April 09, 2018

Ala. teen turns down 25-year plea deal, gets sentenced to 65 years instead - and laughs

An Alabama teen laughed Thursday as a judge sentenced him to 65 years in prison for murder and theft after he rejected a plea deal that would have given him 25 years behind bars.

Lakeith Smith, 18, of Montgomery, Ala., was sentenced to 65 years by Judge Sibley Reynolds for “felony murder, armed burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree theft,”FOX8 LIVE reported.

Smith smiled and laughed while being sentenced at the Elmore County courthouse. He had turned down a plea deal that would have recommended he spend 25 years in prison on the charges.

“I don’t think Mr. Smith will be smiling long when he gets to prison,” C.J. Robinson, chief assistant district attorney, said. “We are very pleased with this sentence. Because the sentences are consecutive, it will be a long time before he comes up for even the possibility for parole, at least 20 to 25 years.”



  1. That's because he has gotten away with everything in school and as a juvenile up to this point in time. Now he hammer. He is a worthless POS so we don't care.

  2. Sounds like he got his just desserts, didn't respect the rights of others, the law or the judicial system I am sure he'll be like all the others just someone's else's fault never did anything wrong just misunderstood.

  3. He's probably laughing because he knows he won't spend more that two or three years in the pen.

  4. Yeah he will - he knew plea deal he could not get reduced, but the 65 he probably only have to spend 2 years

  5. This is Alabama we're talking about, not liberal MD. They don't play in AL just sayn..........

  6. He got exactly the sentence he deserved!

    Rot in jail you POS!

  7. Now Hil-Liar-y's turn !!!

  8. You'd be surprised how many teens are belligerent and mock the court during sentencing. Happens more than anyone imagines, unless you are involved in juvenile proceedings. I've seen a teen, that was in detention, taken to a juvenile court proceeding (suspicion of drug dealing) and the judge released him with the caveat to to go straight from the court, out of the county, and never come back, or he will go to jail the next time. Well this idiot of a juvenile started yelling at the judge, thelling the judge that he couldn't treat him like a "dog," and started to approach the bench while yelling at the judge. All this after he was "sentenced" to release. Well like a blur out of nowhere, a State Trooper in the gallery of the courtroom for another case tackled this kid and body slammed him to the floor for the perceived threat to the judge. Ended up being reincarerated that day. What a dumb ass!

  9. This is the kind of logic our Mayor uses!


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