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Monday, April 02, 2018

After Confederate statue controversy, cities move to tear down monuments seen as offensive to Native Americans

Outrage from Native American activists and their supporters has led a liberal California city closer to tearing down what they considered an offensive monument — to President William McKinley.

It’s the latest in a string of moves to scrap monuments decried as offensive to Native Americans — coming after the nationwide controversy over statues of Confederate leaders.

The activists in Arcata, Calif., some 280 miles north of San Francisco, wanted the city’s 8½-foot bronze statue of McKinley taken down because they said the 25th president of the United States was a proponent of “settler colonialism” that “savaged, raped and killed,” the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous People told The Los Angeles Times.

In February the City Council of the sanctuary city voted 4 to 1 to get rid of the statue.



  1. The Obama statue offends me as a patriotic American!

  2. Destroying history will guarantee that we will repeat it. Good or bad, it must be preserved.

    1. There are these crazy things called books with history in them

  3. Later it will be the founding fathers, after all, they owned slaves and ordered Indians to me moved and killed.

  4. Welcome the the Masons’ NWO

  5. Again, sorry you didn't make the cut 7:53. Stop blaming them, it was your own fault. Now live with it.

  6. I was watching TV when a left wing nut said these monuments are not damaged, melted down or anything. They are placed in storage unharmed. As the jerk was saying this a video was playing pulling a statue to the ground, while the head snapped off. Sad

  7. Our founding fathers are next because they were slave owners like Washington and Jefferson. A communist socialist revolution is in progress. Civil war is coming.


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