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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Add These Voter Fraud Cases to the Growing List

Despite the lack of media coverage, evidence of election fraud continues to mount.

This week, The Heritage Foundation added 26 new entries to its election fraud database, bringing the searchable ledger to a total of 1,132 proven instances of election fraud. That includes 983 cases that ended in a criminal conviction, 48 that led to civil penalties, 79 where defendants were enrolled in a diversion program, and 22 cases of official or judicial findings of fraud.

Americans should be alarmed. These entries represent irrefutable evidence that fraud has impacted elections in 47 states, and across all levels of government.

Worse still, they are probably just the tip of America’s election fraud iceberg. The Heritage database is not comprehensive, so the actual volume of vote fraud is likely far higher. Exactly how much higher is anybody’s guess.



  1. Really? 1132 cases? Nationwide? Where in 2008 over 130 million votes were cast? That works out to an infinitesimal percentage that could never sway an election. Even Trump’s own voter fraud committee had to be disbanded because they could find no evidence of systemic voter fraud. Voter fraud is a nice explanation if you don’t want to admit losing fair and square. But in the end it has never been proven with facts.

  2. Democrats cheat bottom line 2:56 pull your head out of the sand.

  3. 2:56

    Trump's voter fraud committee was disbanded because Dumbocrat states refused to cooperate with the investigation and the election are controlled by the states according to the constitution.

    There were 3 million illegals that voted in California alone

  4. Replies
    1. The proof was in the voter rolls they were allowed to examine. 983 cases with criminal convictions and you want us to believe that judges and juries lied to get convictions 983 separate times? REALLY!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Really? 1132 cases? Nationwide? Where in 2008 over 130 million votes were cast? That works out to an infinitesimal percentage that could never sway an election. Even Trump’s own voter fraud committee had to be disbanded because they could find no evidence of systemic voter fraud. Voter fraud is a nice explanation if you don’t want to admit losing fair and square. But in the end it has never been proven with facts.

    April 26, 2018 at 2:56 PM

    1132 cases? That's not 1132 votes. That is 1 case equal to hundreds of thousands of votes.

    You can run your liberal mouth all you want to make it look like President Trump lost "fair and square" but you can keep burying your head in your own ass and denying the facts. You are nothing but a traitor to our country. You are a DOUCHE BAG no better than Obama.

  6. Anonymous said...
    4:39. Proof?

    April 26, 2018 at 7:25 PM

    Is that you Chuck Cook? Did you forget that some of us haven't forgotten how you and your Maryland Democrat Party helped rig the computers in the city election to help Jim Ireton beat Joe Albero?

    That's what happens when city elections are held in city buildings, ie. the city fire department where Mayor Ireton had access to the entire building.

    Yep, just like the National DNC rigged the election to give Hillary the win in the Primary over Bernie Sanders you and your connection did the same thing to give Jim Liarton the win over the real Mayor Joe Albero.

    Yep, just like the National DNC rigged the election to give Hillary the win in the Primary over Bernie Sanders you and your Maryland Democrat connection did the same thing to give Jake Day the win over the real District 2 Council Member Debbie Campbell.

    You corrupt pigs suck.


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