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Monday, April 09, 2018

A 'Watershed Moment’ for American Privacy

Former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Robert McDowell told Breitbart News Saturday that the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal “is a watershed moment for how people will perceive privacy.”

Facebook’s reputation plummeted after reports revealed that data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica used the social media platform to gain access to the personal data of more than 87 million users. A recent Reuters poll suggests that only 41 percent of consumers trust Facebook to comply with American privacy laws.

“I think this is a watershed moment for how people will perceive privacy,” McDowell told Breitbart News Saturday hosts Matthew Boyle and Amanda House.

“I think this will push Congress, maybe even on a bipartisan basis, to do something about privacy,” McDowell added.


1 comment:

  1. BS
    There is no way they are going to do anything significant and hinder their cronies ability to make money.


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