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Thursday, April 26, 2018

$1.9 million settlement reached after death during confrontation with off-duty deputies

The family of Ethan Saylor, a man with Down syndrome who died after a confrontation with off-duty Frederick County sheriff's deputies in 2013, will receive $1.9 million in a settlement reached earlier this month in the case.

Saylor, who was 26, tried to enter a second screening of “Zero Dark Thirty” at the Westview Promenade movie theater on Jan. 12, 2013, without buying another ticket. The three deputies, who were working security on behalf of Hill Management Services at the time, tried to remove Saylor and a struggle ensued. Saylor suffered a fractured larynx during the encounter and died of asphyxia, according to autopsy reports.

"It's some closure and now the job of really healing and going forward is possible," Patti Saylor, Ethan's mother, said when reached for comment Wednesday. "... In a long, drawn out court case like this, healing isn't always possible, so now that this settlement has been reached, we can start to focus on that."



  1. and I bet, nothing happened to these cops right????

  2. Do the cops pay or the tax payers?

  3. I'm sure the $1.9 million will satisfy the conscience of the person who should have been SUPERVISING this poor individual.

  4. While the county, the movie theater and the sheriff’s office were eventually dismissed from the case, the three deputies, Hill Management and the state of Maryland will each pay toward the total $1.9 million settlement, which was drafted April 19 and obtained by The Frederick News-Post on Wednesday.

    “Obviously, the Saylor family would rather have Ethan home and healthy, but that obviously is not something that could be given to them by the court,” said Joseph B. Espo, an attorney representing the Saylor family. “The settlement, in combination with the advocacy work Mrs. Saylor has done ... will hopefully be a spur to other members of the law enforcement community to remember when they are dealing with individuals with various disabilities that they, too, have a right to be out in the world and to be safe from excessive force.”

    The three deputies, Richard Rochford, Scott Jewell and James Harris, will pay a total of $800,000, while the state of Maryland and Hill Management will pay $645,000 and $455,000, respectively, according to the settlement, which was signed by the Saylors and representatives of the other involved parties on Friday.

    None of you numbnuts even read an article before spouting off.

  5. Anonymous said...
    and I bet, nothing happened to these cops right????

    April 26, 2018 at 9:43 AM

    The cops weren't guilty dumb a$$! They were just doing their jobs.

    1. And YOU continue to be a numbnut while calling others dumbass?! Wow. IF the cops were not guilty, do you think they would have to pay?

  6. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure the $1.9 million will satisfy the conscience of the person who should have been SUPERVISING this poor individual.

    April 26, 2018 at 11:25 AM

    Right. That poor individual shouldn't have been roaming a movie theater alone.

    1. And just why not, oh wise one? He has every right to be there as you, as was reported. No one ever stopped you from riding the short bus to school did they?

  7. Why does a movie theater need 3 off duty cops as guards? If it was me, recognizing that the kid was DS, I would have paid for the ticket and enjoyed the rest of my day. However, I'm not on steroids or a power trip.

    1. And you have more common sense than most of those commenting.

  8. 3:03 uh, yeah these mercenaries killed the kid with a blow to the throat. That’s guilty. Then again Sputz like you think that is their job...


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