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Thursday, March 22, 2018

YouTube Bans Videos That Promote, Link to Websites Selling Guns, Accessories

Google's Youtube this week clamped down on videos that involve weapons, banning those that promote or link to websites selling firearms and accessories.

The world's largest video site will also prohibit videos with instructions on how to assemble firearms, Bloomberg reported Wednesday.

"We routinely make updates and adjustments to our enforcement guidelines across all of our policies," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. "While we've long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale or manufacture of firearms and their accessories."

Some gun enthusiasts have already seen their pages suspended, although Youtube does not plan on fully enforcing the changes until April.

More here


  1. Time for someone to start up an "OURTube".

  2. While on one hand, I understand the Youtube is a private company and can do what it wants with the content it delivers.

    On the other hand, what a tragedy. Before and after I purchased my fire arms I consulted Youtube for recommendations/reviews/differences... proper use and techniques, cleaning assembly/ etc.

    Having the videos makes for more informed, educated, and safe fire arms owners. Removing said content will have the opposite effect for law abiding citizens.

    I'm sure the free market will find a solution, these videos will find a new home... it's a shame that they can't stay on Youtube.

  3. Just go to full 30. U tube is run by a bunch of snowflake liberals.

  4. And here comes the censorship!!!!! And you clowns said wouldn't happen, and wouldn't affect you... Guess what, it is now!!!!

  5. @10:15

    Sorry man. I don't like it either, but this is not censorship. If we FORCE a company to show videos it doesn't want, then we are telling it what it has to do with it's property.

    Censorship would be the government telling Youtube that they couldn't release specific videos.

  6. Time to start another Youtube and Facebook like websites. I am sick and tired of bowing to the Left Wing Nutsacks.

    I am sick and tired of all the pop-ups on Youtube anyway. They are now bombarding us with the pop-ups so that we can pay to view their site. They have been paid for advertisements without the pop-ups, they just got very greedy.

    It can't be too difficult to start these sites, they did. Look how popular MySpace was until Facebook got noticed.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Sorry man. I don't like it either, but this is not censorship. If we FORCE a company to show videos it doesn't want, then we are telling it what it has to do with it's property.

    Censorship would be the government telling Youtube that they couldn't release specific videos.

    March 22, 2018 at 10:36 AM

    Another SNOWFLAKE heard from....

  8. If they ban guns then only criminals will have them.

  9. How can they force a business to bake a cake for a gay couple but YouTube can block video of guns and gun businesses?

  10. @1:14

    Wow. If, because I support liberty and free market capitalism, detest government censorship and respect the right of property.. if THAT makes me a snowflake...

    Then please upgrade me to snowstorm, because this conservative libertarian understands our rights and freedoms, and the limitations of the government as described by the law.

  11. Y'all never gonna get shall issue CCW nationally or in MD. Every time a white person shoots up a school, concert, business it just chips away at your god given rights.

  12. Not Good !! This Is Definitely ..NOT GOOD !


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