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Saturday, March 17, 2018

WINDED: Pelosi loses breath during short sentences, suffers brain freezes, repeats words

As speculation grows that Nancy Pelosi will not lead House Democrats after the fall election, it’s not hard to see why her colleagues want to replace her.

While addressing reporters on Thursday, Pelosi lost her breath during several short sentences, suffered more brain freezes and could be seen staring blankly at reporters, while also frequently repeating words.



  1. I have never cared for her and she has been a loose cannon since the election but if she is having these medical problems I offer up prayers for her, and it is best that she steps down.

    1. Feel better knowing she is worth 250 million dollars and will never be put in a nursing home and have her assets seized to pay for it. She will always have the best care and a complete staff paid by our tax money to take care of her. She never has to worry about driving a car paying a mortgage or waiting to see a doctor. The law she voted YES strengthen the government to seize property after 90 days of nursing home care she is exempt from. I wish her well also.

  2. That old bitty needs to go. All those 70 plus farts in Congress and the government need to go. Their WISDOM hasn't work since Ronald Reagan presidency. They all are just a bunch of 'ole greedy farts. They DON"T care about THE PEOPLE at all. The only thing they truly believe in is leaving a legacy for their own immediate family. That's it. "F" the rest.

  3. But, but, but, she's perfect for the job!

  4. Long term alcohol abuse.I've seen the delivery to her Hotel room in OC and she stays plastered while she's there.


  5. How comforting is it that RBG who is older than Pelosi and falls asleep in public sits on the highest court?

  6. These libtards are so power hungry that they can't let it go.

  7. Send her back to the Stepford lab for a deep clean and reboot.

  8. Good, hope she dies in horrible pain!


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