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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Wicomico County Teachers Displayed Their Stupidity Last Night

Last night a group of teachers confronted County Executive Bob Culver demanding more money. So get this. One MATH Teacher stated that beginner teachers get $60,000.00 a year in Anne Arundel County while beginner teachers only get $43,000.00 a year in Wicomico County. She went on to say Wicomico County only gets HALF of what Anne Arundel County gets! IDIOT ALERT!!!
It always seems strange to me how the BOE treats every County Executive like CRAP until it comes to budget time. While those Idiots are out spending tens of thousands of dollars on gift cards, (until they were caught by SBYNews), signing multi decade leases outside county owned properties supporting the Good Ol' Boys, now they want more money and act like Culver is the Anti Christ.

Let us make this at a Special Education level for you Teachers. THERE IS NO MONEY! You pissed it all away. Now you want Culver to raise taxes so you can live the lives of those Teachers in Anne Arundel County. Well, guess what, I'M FROM Anne Arundel County and the cost of living, (accurately) is more than twice what Wicomico County is. A $150,000.00 home here is easily a $300,000.00 home there. $1,000.00 property taxes here are at least $3,000.00 there. Shall I go on?

Executive Culver has always had the backs of the taxpayers and will NOT raise taxes. The BOE is already more than 50% of the entire County Budget. Go out and sell some cookies OR move to Anne Arundel County and I'm confident we can find PLENTY of Teachers who are in it for all the right reasons (not money) to replace each and every one of you. Enough Is Enough! Thank you Executive Culver!


  1. They should be paid according to job performance. In such case by all the police presence and total chaos in wicomico county schools a lot of these teachers would be working for free

    1. Why do you think Police are in the schools? Have you given thought of the rules or regs a teacher has to follow or that you parents think it is the teacher's job to teach their child what should be taught at home, long before they start school. Start with, good manners and respect. Judging by comments on here, parents no longer know what respect means. We do not want THUGS in our classroom, but what is our choice. Teachers do not make the rules.

  2. Hey Bob the next time they approach you remind them that they are responsible for the likes of Jake Day, Julie Brewington, Tom Stevenson etc. Until they show better results than this they should just shut up and vr thankful their getting a check

    1. ....and who is responsible for those that are not the Jake Days, Julie Brewingtons, Tom Stevensons etc. that have gone through the school systems>

    2. These three are pretty poor examples of the county education system. Two of them living off of taxpayer funds with no inkling of managerial or leadership skills. The other an absolute nut case that wants on on the abuse of taxpayer money

    3. Don't forget Mike Dunn. He's another fine example of wicomico county school system. What do they teach in wicomico county, how to be a kiss ass and mooch off the system??

  3. Bingo Joe. Let them try to live off 35 k for the last 16 years.I did not watch it but was Hoy there begging for Wor Wic too?

  4. This is part of why it kills taxpayers when someone like Jake Day hires KIDS to do mature adults jobs by paying them such high salaries right out of the gate. I'm very confident there's a lot of local graduates who would love a starting salary of $43,000.00 let alone have the summer OFF! Your local media SUCKS! Did WBOC compare the cost of living in Anne Arundel County, NO! Their only goal is to try to bash the County Executive. Wake up people. This upcoming election is probably the most important one you'll ever see. The City is trying to take control of the County, you mark my words.

    1. Get EACH one of there address and if they own a home raise THERE property taxes if they don't own a home take it out of there taxes then they can get there raises.

    2. Their not there. Your teacher taught you that if you were listening.

  5. I don't agree with everything you put on here, but you've hit the nail on the head on this one.

  6. For the most part teachers aren't very bright anymore. This because they too were part of the dumbed down US "education" system and so the cycle continues. Let me clue this Einstein teacher in. A comparable home in a comparable neighborhood in AA Co is considerably higher then it is on the Lower Shore. Many things are less expensive here including services such as plumbers, electricians, even to get your hair cut and highlighted. A very good salon here costs much less then one in AA Co. Even auto insurance is less down here.

    1. For the most part teachers aren't very bright anymore. This is because they too were part of the dumbed down US "educational" system, and so the cycle continues. Let me clue this Einstein teacher in; A comparable home in a comparable neighborhood in AA Co is considerably higher than on the Lower Shore. Many things are less expensive here, including services such as plumbers, electricians,or even to get your hair cut and highlighted. A very good salon here costs much less than one in AA Co. Even auto insurance is less down here.

      Now, before you call the pot black Mr. Kettle, perhaps you shouldn't throw stones when you are living in a glass house.

      I have taken the liberty to edit your poorly written statement. You received a C for poor grammar and punctuation.

      A dumb (math) teacher

  7. Is this your first budget meeting? The whole teacher thing goes on every year at budget time. The whining, the shouting, the crying poor. Every Single Year at budget time.

    They should have to work a real 9 to 5 for several years before they qualify for a teaching job. They get pension, they get benefits, they get every holiday and then some. I have no sympathy for these cry babies.

    1. Yeah cause those 9 to 5's don't ever want a salary increase. I heard ONLY teachers expect raises but always thought it a rumor.

  8. Before you bash all teachers remember that the group you saw was a select few from the union. Most teachers are happy, hardworking people. The local association is nothing more than the bitch es for the state union. And make no mistake about it, they are losing members every year. I am a teacher and I work very hard. I am also well paid and have great benefits. Don't let the union bs you into thinking all teachers are stupid and greedy.

    1. You are so right!!! I too am a hard working teacher who gets tired of the union making us look bad. The local union is full of negativity and liberal bs!!!

  9. I agree that the teacher made a dumb statement and that the WCBOE is run very poorly run, but to make a statement that it costs twice as much to live in Anne Arundel county is just as bad. To cost twice as much to live there would LITERALLY mean that the price of gas is $5.00 a gallon, a $100 grocery bill becomes $200, the electric would double, clothes would double, day care would double, as well as the state, federal and local taxes would double. That is literally what twice as much means. The personal property tax rate is about the same in Anne Arundel as Wicomico, not double. And if I moved my modest home of $130,000 from Hebron to a like area, say Pasadena, my home would not be worth $260,000. In actuality it would be worth just about the same. Before you attack please have your facts straight. Whoever wrote the article appears as misinformed as the teacher. Joe, I know this is in some opposition to the writer but I would hope you would post this because the way this BOE is run is terrible and it's not a money issue. In my opinion, it is a leadership issue, but let's use proper facts in responding.

    1. While the cost of fuel,electric, and groceries may not be double, the $130,000 house you have would be more than double in value. Just because the tax rate is about the same, the assessments are more than doubled as the sq. footage of a home in Anne Arrundel versus Wicomico County. So your mortgage would be doubled as well as your property taxes.

  10. Until these teacher abandon their Liberal teaching agenda and start teaching true American history, math, sciences, reading and spelling, and enforce discipline and consequences, I will careless about the demands of all teachers.

    1. Why are teachers not teaching the subjects you demand? Could it be you are not making your opinion heard loud and clear to the proper people. The teacher has little say in their curricular. Go yell at the government

  11. Lets start by trimming the fat at the top. A director for this, a supervisor for that. All making 100k at the very least. Way too many at the board. Much of the money doesn't make it to the school level, where it is needed.

    1. How do you trim the fat with government telling the schools what is required by the system.

  12. Good to know, 651. Thank you for the perspective.

  13. The teacher at the top is the way I remember teachers not the hot ones having sex with students.

  14. Teachers work 6 months a year! They know the deal when they go to college! More work equals more money! Take Engineering! Then you will have to work the entire year!

  15. 6:57, You couldn't be more wrong AND your examples are foolish. Clearly you never lived there OR when you did it was more then 20 years ago.

    Car insurance is much higher and yes, even gas IS more expensive there. Day care IS far more expensive there. Where in the hell did you get your very creative figures because you are way wrong!

    This isn't even an agree to disagree moment, you are simply wrong.

    You are right when it comes to how the BOE is managed but I will not accept your figures as I speak from experience and my kids still live there, Anne Arundel County.

    1. For a 1 year old child in daycare in Columbia md $$750 a week for a 1 year old child in daycare living in wicomico county $225 a week. And trust me I just moved here recently rent is also cheaper here although selection is limited

  16. Why did you not cover the Teacher of the year banquet last evening. You would have seen a room full of hard working teachers.

    1. Who paid for that? That’s just buddy buddy teachers that a** kisses each other’s ways in a popularity vote like high school homecoming. Some of those “teachers of the year” just want the limelight (not all!!!). But look at the past winners. Some have slept with their bosses during business hours, some who flip flop schools to avoid the ‘difficult children’, etc.

  17. Joe, My kids spent a total of zero days in Wicomico County Schools and were educated in private schools at great financial sacrifice to my wife and I. Knowing this was our choice we paid our Wicomico county and Maryland state taxes, despite the City and Wicomico county deliberate wasting of taxpayer dollars without complaint for 30 plus years. Now we are weeks away from becoming Delaware residents leaving a state and county that are operating like a runaway train with nobody except you who has consistenly told the truth about where this runaway train will end up and the disaster that will come out of it. I was raised in Wicomico county, attended local schools, owned and operated a business here and now with the uncertainty of it's financial future and who will pay for these grand scams that have been forced on us we are fleeing to the greener patures of Delaware and hoping that our very small nest egg will allow us to eventualy allow us to retire in 10 years. We are no longer able to say we are proud of the county we have called our home for all of our lives and leave for good with sadness in our hearts.

    1. I too am ashamed to say I was born Nd raised in Salisbury, Maryland, Wicomico county...reminds me of Boss Hogg and Hazzard county...run by greedy idiots!!

  18. A few ruin it for majority. Someone mentioned work a regular 9-5 job, my reply would be try teaching kids (approx. 120-150 students) each day. Whereas each/every day, they bring in their own challenges as young adults, that does impact how they are taught. Do that for approximately 170 days and I bet you'd love to go back to your "regular" 9-5 job.

    It does take a unique individual to want to be a teacher - one who tries their best so our kids today have a chance to function in society tomorrow.

    More money is always nice no matter the profession. But when a few erratically have the need to speak out, in an embarrassing fashion no less, it makes the teaching majority look like fools and that is not always the case.

    1. I think the majority of people know the few that spoke know the majority of teachers are not fools and are not stupid. Of course from reading the majority of comments on here, it does appears most of the locals think teachers are fools and all teachers are stupid.

    2. Teachers must wear many professional hats, simultaneously. “Summers off” means your 9 month pay is spread to cover the summer or you elect to not get paid for the summer. It is not what many think it is.

      Most parents have trouble managing one or more kids at home (as evidenced by student behaviors in schools). Many CAN’T handle 120-150 different students every day.

      And always...always!...remember: many teachers got you to where you are today. Can (Would!) your parents teach you adequately in every subject you have taken Pre-K through to your career? NOPE. Not even Einstein could.

    3. Yes, you are correct. However, with your pay spread over the summer, many teachers work a summer job and increase their income. Basically, double dipping most other professions can’t spread their income over months when they are “off” for the summer and then supplement their income by taking other jobs.

    4. 3:05
      Yes. Yes you can. It’s called nights and weekends.

    5. 8:11 you are an idiot who cannot read and COMPREHEND. The comment said “who can take a whole summer off and still be paid AND supplement their income”. Has nothing to do with “nights and weekends”. We aren’t talking about teachers working nights and weekends. Typical teacher. Can’t comprehend what is being said.

  19. 7:33, Thank You. It's not easy what we do here every day but it is stories just like this one where everyone who participates with SBYNews are so dedicated to share the TRUTH. Granted, today I will be labeled the Anti Christ because I am not only disagreeing with these Liberal Union Brain Washers, I'm also challenging and bucking the local Liberal Media because they are just CRAP! We feel it is our job to STOP the brain washing and Good Ol' Boy agenda and believe me when I tell you, they hate Joe Albero. They had a free ride years ago and now with the masses coming to SBYNews each and every day we at least have the opportunity to challenge them and call them out for their BS "Fair and Balanced" news.

    A Professional would've researched what that Teacher stated and in the very least would've caught the HALF the cost statement from a MATH Teacher.

    I can't stress enough to ALL of you just how important this upcoming election is. I'm telling you, the City and former Tilghman group are staging people in certain political positions to overtake the County. This has been years in the making and IF the taxpayers and voters aren't careful you are going to watch things get so out of control, none of you will ever be able to sell out and do what you are doing, move to Delaware.

    Executive Culver has NO SAY whatsoever with the BOE, outside the budget. Tattoo that into your brains. Bob is NOT cutting their budget. Bob is simply NOT giving them additional taxpayer money above and beyond what the Governor demands. The money simply is not there.

  20. Maybe we need to start posting their wages and salaries once again.
    The average household in the county barely makes over 35000 per year. Most of us don't have earn the wages and benefits that teacher and administrators make. If you don't like you wages and benefits here, please do us a favor and leave! Maybe you might like working in Baltimore City? I hear they are hiring!

    I can tell you personally, before the recession started in 2008 and before I got laid off from a great paying job, I was making double what I make now and my property and income taxes were half of what I pay now.

    I'm not alone in this, most of us are tapped out. We can't afford these continued tax and spending increases. I think the BOE and county need to get their collective houses in order before asking for more of our hard earned money. My wife and son's are working in Delaware because there are few jobs to be had in this county and on the Eastern Shore.

    If conclusion, if you don't like it, Quit or go elsewhere and quit complaining. Most of us here are in far worse shape.

    1. Not only are most above this median income as a teacher, but they have summers off. Some people who work 8-5 get second jobs and work all year.

    2. stop whining and become a teacher - good one are needed desperately according to what I am reading on here

  21. 60K for 9 months work and still not enough. well then you can always look into getting into a different line of work. most likely won't be getting summers off though!
    piss off you liberal pukes!

    1. And what would happen if all our liberal pukes teachers pissed off

    2. 10;05. It would probably be a very good thing.

  22. Let me add this as well. Can you just IMAGINE all of the County Employees going into that meeting DEMANDING major pay increases. Now imagine a large company on the Shore where their employees came out demanding more money WITHOUT any fear of retaliation. The BOE is completely out of control and PROTECTS their mafia style employees running to the local Press and getting major coverage for their demands.

    Like President Trump, I'd personally tell ALL of them, they're FIRED. As a businessman, I've been put in that position, (ultimatum) and unfortunately had to fire them. These were GREAT employees who felt they had me over a barrel. Guess what, it wasn't easy but we survived.

    I'd say IF the County Executive had ANY control, (outside the budget) over the hiring and firing practices at the BOE, heads would roll and this BS display every single year would be over!

    That being said, just remember, Culver has NO CONTROL over the BOE. So STOP pointing fingers his way and that especially goes for your local MEDIA who absolutely knows this to be a FACT!

  23. 1)Wicomico County teachers have the lowest pay scale in Maryland on par with Somerset.
    2)Wicomico County schools constantly rank in about the 60th percentile of all high schools in Maryland.
    3)You get what you pay for in life.

    From a purely Capitalistic stand point if you pay teachers better you will be able to attract better teachers. If you pay teachers less than other counties you will lose good teachers. In a recent study Wicomico County students ranked as the 2nd lowest in school readiness of any county in Maryland by age 5, but our high schools rank around the 60th percentile (sometimes better depending on the school). Going from 23/24 to 16/24 by high school shows a good amount of growth. Do Wicomico students deserve better? Of course, but if you judging teachers on performance and student growth....

  24. Lower pay rates on the Shore are not limited to the teachers. The differential applies to nearly every profession here including nurses, engineers, and even bus drivers in Ocean City. The only way you will ever get paid Western shore rates is move there or commute. You might just as well complain about not being as rich as Trump..

  25. It's also important to look at the benefits teachers receive. For example: health insurance is extremely expensive, but the state pays it regardless. Why, because it's our money. A private employer would never keep the insurance plan provided to teachers because of its extremely high costs. This is what happens when you remove the free market from the system. BTW I am a private business person who understand that I cannot continually increase prices or I would be priced out of the market. This is just one example of wasteful spending from government controlled programs.
    Anyone wish to comment on their retirement package.

    1. You think state employees get free health insurance? In the "free market" system they jack up the prices because you have no choice. Take a look at Martin Skrelli genius

    2. State employes pay a small token for health ins.

  26. It;s time to take the public school out of governments hands, Charter or private schools with a tax break for parents to pay for it.

  27. 6:38 that's because you get what you pay for..

    1. Agreed, trash is always less expensive

  28. Re: March 23, 2018 at 7:48 AM

    Wicomico County
    Median household income (in 2016 dollars), 2012-2016 $53,508

  29. So sick of teacher trying to play victim that they are underpaid. BS! They only work 190 per year (vs 260 for every other job) and get decent benefits too. They work indoors, climate controlled, etc.

    Nothing saying they can't get a summer job to supplement their income if they need money that bad.

    1. “Climate controlled” HA! Spend a day at my school. Our HVAC is awful.

  30. This is the main reason Bill McCain is running for council! His wife is a teacher. He'll make sure they get a raise.

  31. Joe that revenue cap was brought up at the Wicomico GOP meeting and those people that have ties to the school board and he is on the central committee running again. He stated at that meeting trying to convince all of us there that the revenue cap needs to go in order to give even more money to the school board! I kid you not! Yup you got it John Palmer!

    1. Wait a minute. Time-out. You say John Palmer? The creator of the Wicomico grassroots organization VOICE - Voters Opposed yo Increase County Expenditures? John Palmer was the champion of the now paralyzing revenue cap.

  32. Joe you should come to these meetings and make them all squirm!

  33. You know WBOC only care about Dover and Milton

  34. Lets give these teachers guns, sounds like a great plan.

  35. 8:09 I am a teacher and you are wrong. Look around and you will see we are paid comparatively well within the state. While you're at it, compare us to other states. We do fine. The problem is we keep thinking the more money we throw at it the better it must be. Demand discipline in our schools and you will see results.

  36. Local not yet employed teachers CANNOT get jobs here in WICO county. They almost always go to the outsiders.

  37. How much money is the union sucking out of each teacher simply to prevent the bad ones from getting fired.

    Why do teachers allow their students to graduate when they can't express themselves properly (ax instead of ask, pacifically instead of specifically, and the list can go on)?

    A merit based system allowing us to get rid of marginally performing teachers and compensating the good ones for high performance would help the students, the teachers, and especially the country!

  38. Mark Mciver was to busy trying to stack the deck on the Central committee against two hard working women. Linda and Joan vs going out to get good people to run on the county council in those Democrat unopposed council seats. Yes that fill is running again. We need him out!

  39. I was at this meeting last night with the abundance of teachers speaking about the county needs to approve the WCBOE request. It seemed to me that the one sentence they kept saying over and over was Mr. Culver please approve the WCBOE request for additional revenue. I am all for having better schools, libraries, jails and county entities, but where does a majority of the funds come from to do this? You guessed it property taxes and income taxes. So let's increase our taxes to get your salaries to par (hold up, we can't do that because you voted for a revenue cap) and there is so much a person or county can do with a revenue cap. With that being said, I am glad we are electing our school board now and hopefully expenditures can be more transparent at the WCBOE. In my opinion there is a lot of money that can be put towards teachers salaries that is being wasted at the WCBOE! Remember a few years back when the county approved the money to WCBOE for a 2% increase and once the WCBOE received the money, only 1% raises were given. If I was a teacher in Wicomico County I would be looking at where all the monies coming in are being dispersed to! My opinion only!!

  40. It so funny how those with no education complain about how much those with an education make at their jobs. I went to the 20th grade (Phd) and make $135K as a teacher. Bonus is that my employer covered most of the cost for the Phd. Winning!

    1. Well, I know you are full of $h!t because no teacher in the county makes $135k lol

  41. Finally someone with sense and the answer/solution.hear hear 8:15..are we ready for a school vouchers system? and elected school board?. Were do i sign up? count me in! If we DO NOT GAIN CONTROL IT WILL GET WORSE!! Free market the school system. Our current institutions either shape up or die and then we use these public buildings as reform schools.

  42. Guess that common core math helped pull the “less than half” comment out. Smh.

  43. 8:09, Let's look at reality then. If you want people to believe teachers here should get more pay, why the hell do you think the teachers will be any better. Your own numbers prove they should be paid less, not more.

    When you have a prison like ECI in your immediate community and the prisoners are released into Wicomico County, what do you people expect?

    Mom or Dad are in jail. One of them has a low paying job, or two, while the other sits in jail. There's no time for parenting. Less and less of our children are getting married, yet they're producing kids like rabbits.

    Until we as a community start taking more responsibility with our kids, things will remain the same here. There's no PRIDE and the City of Salisbury is absolutely loaded with Section 8 or Affordable Housing and guess what, that's what they're currently building too.

    You Liberals want, want, want. You LIE and claim crime is down, yet SBYNews keeps publishing videos and press releases of just how bad things are here and then we're the Anti Christ. Keep in mind that ALL of the information we publish comes from local LE, SA and so forth. The truth hurts.

    1. What should the ES be proud of? White trash that think they're country? Blatant racism? Crime? Waterman too selfish to follow regulations preserving resources for the next generation?

  44. i would love to work 9-10 months and get that starting pay! You get weekends, holidays and summers off.

  45. 6:57 WRONG! Now instead of shooting you mouth off about something you are obvious clueless about how about using Zillow and see what you get in Pasadena MD for under $150,000. I'll tell you very little except one of those stack shack 2 bedroom condos if you are lucky.
    A 60's 3 bedroom rancher on a decent sized lot in Pasadena the house itself being functionally obsolete will cost you over 200,000. I know someone who sold a townhouse just recently in Pasadena for $250,000.

  46. Why should the teachers get a raise when the County elected officials and sheriff are not getting one.

  47. What this post overlooks is that teachers here can transfer to another nearby county that has better pay and the same cost of living, or ever less in taxes like Worcester County if they also decide to move. In fact, for those and other reasons it has become much harder to get and retain good teachers in Wicomico County.

  48. Dear readers,

    Having worked as a professional in both the local school system as well as in the private sector, I offer a few thoughts.

    1. Teachers certainly do have the right to advocate for themselves and to request an increase in their living wage. That in no way equals them actually obtaining that raise.

    2. While some of the facts teachers reported are somewhat accurate, Joe has done an admirable job explaining that apples and oranges are not equal. It is necessary for the teachers and their association to recognize that the spin they are placing on the comparisons they are making in no way hold water.

    3. To substantiate that if teachers are not paid better, how can the WCBOE attract and maintain the best? While I will say that it was my professional good fortune to work with several very highly competent professionals,however it is my personal opinion that the vast majority of professionals are merely competent, and very many are well below this. In fact, many of these incompetent professionals were simply moved from school to school as it is quite well known that it is nearly impossible to remove a teacher (unless she is acting as a part time pharmaceutical rep in a HS)

    4. Teachers are very out of touch with reality regarding their salary demands - I saw this while working in the school system when outlandish requests, and at times, demands were made. It is my personal opinion that teachers are really not very cognizant of the much lower wages their peers in other industries are making locally. Further, I do not personally know many teachers who would do well in private business. The concept of "You work, you eat; You don't you won't" is foreign to teachers as they have come to assume that many perks that they receive are standard. Try telling that to their counterparts who could not pay for basic health insurance, much less afford the deductibles AND earning wages significantly less than teachers.

    5. The local community values good teachers, but is tired of hearing they are underpaid. Period. Local/area teachers would be wise to stop any formal discourse and quietly go about their duties - not because I recommend it, but the backlash that I sense is coming will significantly and dramatically have an impact.

    To the teachers reading this, know that I hold those of you who are dedicated and work hard every day in high esteem and regard. You lack the perspective to see or understand that others work as hard as you do - frankly, it is quite the opposite, and it is natural to assume that you would surmise that your peers would work as hard as you. To all of the other teachers that are reading this and getting a bit red in the face, please look at your community. It is in no way a thriving metropolis flush with cash. Businesses fail and close up on a daily basis, white flight and urban blight are, in my opinion rampant, and advocating for a raise to Mr. Culver is foolhardy.

    Like Joe, I have run my own business for many years, and prior to that worked in the schools. I enjoyed both, but would like to point out that the private sector in any incantation is a horse of another color and would strongly advise the teachers in the WCBOE to end the conversation over salary and do a better job policing their own ranks by calling out those who are substandard, advocating for their removal and taking pride in their profession.



  49. 9:10 Wow! A Ph.d and only $135K? Must have barely passed. I guess a C still allows you to pass.

  50. Jack Heath:

    What say you about teachers pay raise? Let's have your position now, not later.

  51. what a bunch of losers on here all you do is cry cry cry i am a teacher and have to watch your spoiled brats everyday but i love my job work 9 months if that and hit the beach go back to your walmart jobs

    1. Yeah, you sound like a superb teacher. You live watching spoiled brats? I don’t want to work 9 months and lay on the beach. I have work ethic. Instead of asking for more money like a handout, I work for it all year round. If you’re wondering, I volunteer at the schools and provide money to students going to college. Sad to think your students may not have that opportunity because instead of doing the JOB YOU WENT TO COLKEGE FOR AND CHOSE, you belittle the students and act like you’re a babysitter. That’s how babysitters get paid.

  52. What the hell are you people doing wrong?? LMFAO I'm 56 years old retired on 72,000/yr with full benefits. Maybe you should get away from trying to live off of local city/county government and do something for yourselves not off the sweat and hard work of local taxpayers

    1. Yep. People failing to plan may as well be planning to fail. I retired at 48 yrs of age with a $70,000 pension and full benefits for the rest of my life. WITH A HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION!!!

  53. 6:57 You can't touch a single family home in all of Pasadena anymore for $130,000. Even Greenhaven known for being the least expensive neighborhood homes are going for double that. We were shocked last year when our parents 1500 sq ft, 3 bedroom one full bath with a shower in the cellar, knotty pine kitchen, very dated on just over 2 acres a bungalow style went for almost $500,000. It's off of Mountain Rd. We had multiple people wanting to write contracts. The same 1940's house here on 2 acres would sell for about $130,000.

  54. Daycare is double in AA Co. Here's it's about $100/wk there $200/wk. The average home price is almost $300,000. Rents if you are lucky to find a rental are almost $2000/month for a 3 bedroom. Pasadena is the opposite of Salisbury. Nearly 90% of the homes are owner occupied.

  55. Jack Heath will side with fake Day and the fake republicans. Mark my words! You saw it here! He will/is a backstabbed along with the others! Boda/ Day/Anderton/Wellfonder/ Mciver/Bethel/Jester/Palmer/Liarton/ hummm who am I missing?

  56. While I agree it is the parents/guardians fault the schools have gotten so bad it is also the fault of the teachers. They complain constantly about having to babysit students, stop fights, put up with mouthy disruptive students BUT they do nothing. How about going to the meeting and complain about that instead of wanting more money for what basically amounts to not much in return anymore because I agree most teachers aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. I've been saying for years the public schools are nothing more then pre detention centers BECAUSE of democrat policies. The teachers complain but do nothing. Bottom line the teachers are equally as responsible for the todays situation in schools as anyone else. And the other thing if they don't like it quit. There is an ass for every seat including theirs. Teachers are a dime a dozen and if truth be known truly good teachers are rarely hired because they don't support the union so the teachers schools are stuck with are from the bottom of the slop can.

  57. Oh, and don't forget Bill McCain wants to get elected because he wants school teachers to get property tax waivers. He is working with Mike Dumb the wannabe CEO of the Greater Salisbury Committee of Assholes to get the County Executive and the Wicomico County Council to pass legislation to do away with the Revenue Cap. He and Mike Dumb say that the new voters weren't even born when that legislation was passed by the voters.

    Bill McCain and Mike Dunn both said the voters back then were too stupid and didn't know what they were voting for. Bill McCain also failed to disclose that he is married to a school teacher in Wicomico and he would benefit by not having to pay the property taxes.

    Don't be stupid, don't vote for Bill McCain.

    Also, recently appointed school teacher Bill Turner who is running for School Board Member in District 3 was at the same meeting and said that Wicomico County taxpayers do not pay enough per student and he supports doing away with the revenue cap.

    Don't be stupid, don't vote for Bill Turner.

    Don't be stupid, DO NOT vote for Bill McCain or Bill Turner!

    1. Then u run since u know so much. Elect u! Hahahaha

    2. Then u run since u know so much. Elect u! Hahahaha

  58. Add Carozza and Chris Adams. Wendy Anspacher

  59. Drain the Wicomico swamp!

  60. The BOE is already more than 50% of the entire County Budget.

    This isn't true at all.

  61. 12:51
    Your right, it's more like 60%

    Thanks for the clarification!

  62. It's bad enough when I had to attend an event or graduation ceremony, they would all give themselves a big pat on their collective backs, and tell us how great they are, and spout their liberal BS!

    Hold us hostage for this until they would hand out the Diploma's. Remember it's all about the children!!!!

    Very glad that it is over, but still have to pay outrageous property taxes and fees for this failed system they call the public schools.

  63. 10:27 Doctorate programs are pass/fail. They are not graded like high school or college. What do you make for 9 months of work with several weeks off for holidays? If I do after school or supervisor duties, I make $155-165k/year. Thanks!

  64. No the real number is like 31 percent....overall education spending is around 43 percent but that includes WorWic and the scholarship grants.

    Just the facts.

  65. Thank environmentalists for the high cost of housing.

  66. The revenue cap stays put! No new property tax! be very careful when you vote in June. its an important election. We need some of these people out. Vote for Bob Culver and whom ever will support him!

  67. yes John Palmer wants the revenue cap gone. He has his own self interest now. It being gone will benefit him now. so he wants it bye bye. Do NOT do it.

  68. What about all the county employees in essential roles only making 28k a year? They should look into that

  69. Joe my wife is a school teacher at the WCBOE and we attended the Teacher Of The Year Gala last night and we were one of the few conservatives there.

    Last night was the first time that I ever remember people from the Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Salisbury Committee there. It was Bill Chambers, Mike Dunn and that Chris Eccleson dude. I remember your post on them wanting to do away with the revenue cap and when I saw them things started to click. Dr. Hanlin is in bed with them and she is using them to get the county to get rid of the cap.

    I'd like to know where the money came from to pay for their meals. They were there with their wives or significant others. You know it was taxpayers money that paid for it. Time to drain that swamp.

    1. Now here is what they call a teachable moment. You and your wife attended. Did you write a check to the BOE for your dinner? If your answer is no then the taxpayers did.

  70. Check out the nominees questions and answers video on the WCBOE website -the 5th grade teacher from East Salisbury actually said, "theirselves". Thank God she's not teaching my child! I've worked for the WCBOE for many years and I, too, am sick to death of hearing teachers whine and complain about their terrible salaries. (Obviously, I'm not a teacher.) They are "exempt" employees, and NONE of them understand what that means. They all demand comp time to "volunteer" to help at a school event. They cry and whine if they miss 5 minutes of their planning time, and they run out of the schools the minute the bell rings. To be fair, their hands are tied when it comes to discipline. You can thank the DOJ and the spineless "leaders" at the WCBOE for it. However, many teachers don't deal with students with behavior problems - they send them to the office. Classroom management is part of being a teacher! In elementary schools, teachers get planning time, "free time" when their students go to Art, Music, P.E., etc., "free time" on days they don't have recess duty, and many have what they consider "free" time for 30 minutes when the dismissal process begins. So, they really don't "work" a 7 hour day in a real sense. $43,000 for a first year teacher is a damn good salary in addition to the excellent medical benefits offered by the WCBOE at a very reasonable price. The people that honestly deserve raises are the classroom assistants, bus drivers, and office staff. Classroom assistants work with struggling or special education students in small groups all day long. Bus drivers put up with incredibly bad behaviors from students (and parents), have a huge responsibility transporting children, and are treated like dogs by Rick Smoak in the Transportation Department. Office staff work non-stop all day, multi-tasking and dealing with their job requirements along with trying to meet teachers', parents', and students' needs. These people are paid almost poverty wages. The saddest (and most embarrassing) thing about those teachers begging Bob Culver for raises is their incredible selfishness. How about begging for metal detectors in every school? Or armed officers in every school? Or those contraptions that make it impossible to open a classroom door from the outside? How shallow and selfish! They should be ashamed! I can honestly say that there are teachers who do none of the things I've mentioned above. They work hard, work long hours, truly care about their students, don't complain, volunteer willingly to help at school functions without expecting comp time, etc. The rest need to take their lazy, whiny, selfish selves out of Wicomico County schools. The WCBOE absolutely IS top heavy and it's wasted money. The guy they hired from a local TV station sends out e-mails to tell us the telephone changes have happened in each school. Over $100,000 a year to do something a 16 year old could do in 30 minutes! Too many "coordinators", "directors", etc. They are unnecessary and drain the budget that could be better spent on students and classroom supplies. I love my job. I knew going in that I would never make the salary that should come with the constantly increased responsibilities I have, but the trade off to have similar hours as my kids, and to have the summers off with them was worth it to me. An unexpected bonus is that I have known and truly loved so many children! I have never once complained about my pay because I knew what I was getting into when I took the job. Teachers do, too. Many teachers, as well as the pitiful leaders at the WCBOE, do not believe "it's all about the children"...it's all about THEM. Dr. Hanlin is a crushing disappointment, and is as political and disgraceful as the "good ol' boy" network here in Wicomico County. It's so sad.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Bingo Joe. Let them try to live off 35 k for the last 16 years.I did not watch it but was Hoy there begging for Wor Wic too?

    March 23, 2018 at 6:14 AM

    You better believe Hoy is in bed with Bob.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Lets start by trimming the fat at the top. A director for this, a supervisor for that. All making 100k at the very least. Way too many at the board. Much of the money doesn't make it to the school level, where it is needed.

    March 23, 2018 at 7:07 AM

    Dr. Freddy's salary was $190,000 and now Dr. Hanny's is slightly less. No government employee deserves to make that kind of money.

  73. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A few ruin it for majority. Someone mentioned work a regular 9-5 job, my reply would be try teaching kids (approx. 120-150 students) each day. Whereas each/every day, they bring in their own challenges as young adults, that does impact how they are taught. Do that for approximately 170 days and I bet you'd love to go back to your "regular" 9-5 job.

    It does take a unique individual to want to be a teacher - one who tries their best so our kids today have a chance to function in society tomorrow.

    More money is always nice no matter the profession. But when a few erratically have the need to speak out, in an embarrassing fashion no less, it makes the teaching majority look like fools and that is not always the case.

    March 23, 2018 at 7:42 AM

    You are an idiot. NO ONE teaches 120 - 150 students a day. A day is defined as an 8 hour day. NO teach teaches 8 hours a day. Many of the schools start at 7:45 am and end at 2:45 pm. That is only 7 hours and no teacher teaches 7 hours a day. There is lunch and then you have 6.5 hours left. There are only about 10 - 20 kids in a class. Lets say that every class is rotated every hour. Guess what? That would be only 60 - 120 students at max the teacher might theoretically see through out the day. So guess what? They are still only teaching 10 - 20 kids all day. Just because you might see different faces you are not teaching 120 all day.

    These dumb ass teachers have themselves believing their jobs are so tough and their lives are so stressed. Ididots.

    1. Oh yes they can teach 120 plus students per day so you are an idiot. In high school you have 5 periods with 30 plus students each period. Do we have to do the math for you too?

  74. Anonymous said...
    I was at this meeting last night with the abundance of teachers speaking about the county needs to approve the WCBOE request. It seemed to me that the one sentence they kept saying over and over was Mr. Culver please approve the WCBOE request for additional revenue. I am all for having better schools, libraries, jails and county entities, but where does a majority of the funds come from to do this? You guessed it property taxes and income taxes. So let's increase our taxes to get your salaries to par (hold up, we can't do that because you voted for a revenue cap) and there is so much a person or county can do with a revenue cap. With that being said, I am glad we are electing our school board now and hopefully expenditures can be more transparent at the WCBOE. In my opinion there is a lot of money that can be put towards teachers salaries that is being wasted at the WCBOE! Remember a few years back when the county approved the money to WCBOE for a 2% increase and once the WCBOE received the money, only 1% raises were given. If I was a teacher in Wicomico County I would be looking at where all the monies coming in are being dispersed to! My opinion only!!

    March 23, 2018 at 9:05 AM

    "If I was a teacher in Wicomico County I would be looking at where all the monies coming in are being dispersed to!"

    That's what the teachers union is for.

    You are so glad an elected school board is going to be elected so expenditures can be more transparent at the WCBOE??

    Well let's take a look at that for a moment.

    Board of Education At Large
    Cooper, Tyrone - Democrat
    Fitzgerald, Donald L. - Democrat - Current BOE member.
    Murray, Michael G. - Retired School teacher and recently appointed to the BOE.
    Watson, Talana D. - Democrat

    Councilmanic District 001
    Angelot, Ruth - Democrat
    Bradley, Michelle - RINO and Hillary Supporter. Yes she suppored Hillary all over her FB page and reportedly voted for Hillary. She changed from D to R just before the Presidential election.
    Brown, Allen C. - Democrat. Retired high paid BOE supervisor.

    Councilmanic District 002
    Malone, Gene - Unopposed RINO - Current Board Vice President and proven RINO.

    Councilmanic District 003
    Goslee, David L. Sr. - Conservative and Best choice so far
    Turner, William - Democrat and Current and recently appointed BOE member. Told Greater Salisbury Committee he wants to do away with the Revenue Cap to give the BOE more money per child.

    Councilmanic District 004
    Benn, Seamus - Democrat. Black Lives Matter supporter, Showing Up For Racial Justice(SUSJ) 17 y/o child member LGBTQ and supporter. A radical white boy who believes white people have white privilege. Supports getting Jamaad Gould for County Council. A close friend of James Yakahomo(wink, wink).
    Plotts, David - Democrat
    Suthowski, Ann Brittingham - Republican and best option.

    Councilmanic District 005
    Palmer, John - Unopposed and Former VOICE member who helped get the Revenue Cap passed. Now he is a big supporter of funding the BOE what ever they ask for.

    There are currently 4 Republicans and 3 Democrats on the BOE at this time and has been for 3 years. For the last three years the Republican majority voted for a Democrat, Don Fitzgerald to be their leader, their president.

    Right now our only chance is 2 newcomers, David Goslee and Ann Suthowski to get elected to the School Board. That will leave us with 3 Democrats and 2 RINO's. If they don't get elected we will end up with 5 Democrats and 2 RINO's. The 2 RINO's are given. They are John Palmer and Gene Malone.

    We are screwed. Thanks Marc Kilmer, Mark McGiver and the other know it alls that worked overtime to get an "elected school board." How's that Hope and Change working for you now. Proves that you might get what you wished for and I have heard that many times. Obviously Wicomico County was better off with an oppointed school board.

  75. The Board of Education and Dr. Hanlin is requesting an additional $10,000,000 dollars in one time County taxpayer funding. It has always been their tired mantra that the school board is most important and should be to fund the BOE's requests because "it's for the children" and their funding is always correct.

    Say know to Donna Hanlin and her outrageous requests for school funding. High School Dropout Don Fitzgerald will be begging for that funding.

    Whacko Ray Hoy will be putting on his silly Dog and Pony Show.

    It's up to the Wicomico County Council to make cuts that Bob didn't make.

    Screw the BOE members and their overpaid central office employees with their silly requests and assinine comments made to the Executive.

    Screw Ray Hoy and his pretty boy haircut by his wife and her Tupperware Bowl. His Dog and Pony show sucks and it's the same thing each year. We hate watching it on tv because I have seen him get nasty with my county council rep and I wanted to reach through the screen and bitch slap him.

  76. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's also important to look at the benefits teachers receive. For example: health insurance is extremely expensive, but the state pays it regardless. Why, because it's our money. A private employer would never keep the insurance plan provided to teachers because of its extremely high costs. This is what happens when you remove the free market from the system. BTW I am a private business person who understand that I cannot continually increase prices or I would be priced out of the market. This is just one example of wasteful spending from government controlled programs.
    Anyone wish to comment on their retirement package.

    March 23, 2018 at 8:13 AM

    They have Blue Cross Blue Shield and it is reasonable since they are in the Consortium with the City and the County which gives them reasonable rates.

    You're just jealous, go to college and become a teacher if you are jealous of thier benefits.

  77. Anonymous said...
    I too am ashamed to say I was born Nd raised in Salisbury, Maryland, Wicomico county...reminds me of Boss Hogg and Hazzard county...run by greedy idiots!!

    March 23, 2018 at 5:15 PM

    You can move, you won't be missed.

  78. Anonymous said...
    Don't forget Mike Dunn. He's another fine example of wicomico county school system. What do they teach in wicomico county, how to be a kiss ass and mooch off the system??

    March 23, 2018 at 11:01 AM

    Mike Dumb has never had a real job and he needs to be removed from the CEO spot on the Greater Salisbury Committee. He is a loser just like Jake Day is.

  79. Anonymous said...
    1)Wicomico County teachers have the lowest pay scale in Maryland on par with Somerset.
    2)Wicomico County schools constantly rank in about the 60th percentile of all high schools in Maryland.
    3)You get what you pay for in life.

    From a purely Capitalistic stand point if you pay teachers better you will be able to attract better teachers. If you pay teachers less than other counties you will lose good teachers. In a recent study Wicomico County students ranked as the 2nd lowest in school readiness of any county in Maryland by age 5, but our high schools rank around the 60th percentile (sometimes better depending on the school). Going from 23/24 to 16/24 by high school shows a good amount of growth. Do Wicomico students deserve better? Of course, but if you judging teachers on performance and student growth....

    March 23, 2018 at 8:09 AM

    Then Carry you A$$ to Anne Arundel County to get a job.

    Oh, by the way, thank your for screwing up the minds of our children since "they rank in about the 60th percentile of all high schools in Maryland."

    Thank you for admitting you are part of the problem in our failing schools. You are part of the problem!

  80. By the looks of wicomico county board of education maintenance Dept you could start there and trim some fat off of their budget. The parking lot is full of new trucks/vans and brand new equipment that doesn't even get used

  81. 8:13 - I'll comment on the benefits! The teachers contract says, "Each employee enrolled shall not pay more than ten percent (10%) of the cost for individual coverage and not more than twenty-seven percent (27%) of the dependent cost, exclusive of the cost of individual coverage."
    Regardless of the increasing annual cost of health insurance, the board is "stuck" with 90 % of the cost for employees and 73% of the cost for families. This is crazy. What private sector business can afford to offer anything like this?

  82. 8:13 - I'll comment on the benefits! The teachers contract says, "Each employee enrolled shall not pay more than ten percent (10%) of the cost for individual coverage and not more than twenty-seven percent (27%) of the dependent cost, exclusive of the cost of individual coverage."
    Regardless of the increasing annual cost of health insurance, the board is "stuck" with 90 % of the cost for employees and 73% of the cost for families. This is crazy. What private sector business can afford to offer anything like this?

  83. I say 'Shut-Her-Down. That's right - shut the entire Wicomico County School system down - and hand it over to the FEDS.

    Bring in the US Army, Navy, Marine, & Air Force reservist - that are trained in, both, teaching and weaponry. Believe me, they'll instill some of the most important and key note ingredients, HONOR, RESPECT, ACCOUNTABILITY, DISCIPLE, and LOVE FOR GOD!

    Okay - Wicomico officials, you have the solution right before your eyes, what are you going to do about it!

  84. Somebody needs to look up pay for other counties in Maryland, every county in Md starting salary starts in the 40 K Bracket

    What dumb a$$ teacher thinks a teacher in Md starts at 60 K

    Sad misinformed people crying. Move away please.

  85. 10:47 I never said this county. You couldn't pay me enough money to babysit the backwards inbred shorebilly spawn and EBT children in Wico. Education begins at home and it is not something that is important to most of you.

  86. If you dont get rid of these democrats {communist progressives} your going to have much worse problems in the near future. Who can deny the kids are being dumbed down? Poor education and behavior yet they want more money...for doing less. You just witness the core areas of these communist educators on this march, children totally void of education on History, the Constitution, BOR, respect....instead of being educated they are brainwashed, corralled and funded much like Hitler did...these are the people in control of your children's minds. These people are committing "crimes against humanity" right before your eyes...and demanding they be rewarded for it! These are dangerous people and its time for accountability...not a flippin raise!

  87. Joe

    I want to know if the snowflakes are registered for SELECTIVE SERVICE 18-25 LAW.

  88. No Child left behind has ruined our schools Take out the trash and teach, we don't need gang members, bullies and drug dealers in schools

  89. 11:13 A lot of smart ones have moved away. Mainly those with money. This is one of the reasons your taxes will continue to rise. Less wealthy people paying bigger tax bills means those that are stuck here pick up the tab. You have run off most of the employers in the area and now want to chase off those that support the tax base. Dang, y'all is so smart! SMH.

  90. Things in Wicomico County seem out of control. Adult behavior needed.

  91. Get rid of Bill Frish @ the BOE.

  92. 11:38 If you actually followed he news, you know that the military wouldn't take a majority of those that are registered for selective service due to obesity, drug use and criminal records.

  93. Maybe the teachers would be paid more if they actually know how to do their job. Since according to USNews.com

    Anne Arundel County Public Schools:
    College Readiness: 42.7
    Mathematics Proficiency: 12%
    English Proficiency: 33%

    Wicomico County Public Schools
    College Readiness: 21.2
    Mathematics Proficiency: 5%
    English Proficiency: 22%

    Look at the difference in quality.
    Also if you don't like the pay try getting a job there... Oh wait many of the teachers tried to, but got rejected since they had no experience, or weren't qualified to teach and only could get a job in Wicomico County. I have seen several of my teachers who constantly applied to other schools in different counties, but get rejected every time and if they got accepted those teachers were some of the best teachers in the school. I mean they had masters or PhD degrees and taught for several years and knew how to teach.

  94. How can kids learn in an intimidating violent gang ridden drug dealing atmosphere ?

  95. The teachers should be demanding a better and safer work atmosphere and better prepared students.

    1. They are liberals they believe in gun Free Zones.

  96. Wait a Minute, back up 2:19 AM, Are you telling me that the president of our local school board did not graduate from high school?
    Is this true?

  97. 10:19 Maybe you missed the second half of the comment saying others can't supplement their income. 8:11 pointed out that they (other jobs than teaching) can on nights and weekends. You are the one with a problem. Seems you have a problem with teachers. Did you get held back a few times?

  98. Everyone thinks the BOE employs only teachers. The support staff earns a pittance compared to the teachers. There are more vehicles than people in the maintenance department because they can’t fill positions with a 20,000 dollar salary offering. Meanwhile, they keep paying top administrators to do nothing. The low men on the totem pole are the ones getting cheated!

  99. I agree with 9:19 AM poster that said to 'Shut-It-Down'.

    If there is one thing I have come to realize, no matter how much money you dole out to the Board of Education, it's never enough. So my taxpayer recipe is to second 9:19's motion to simply Shut-Er-Down. Let the parents who bred them and require them to pay for their own offspring's education. If you can't feed them, then don't breed them.


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