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Friday, March 02, 2018

Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office Press Release: Winder Conviction


  1. I don't understand how Hammond Taylor - who participated - got a get out of jail free card and was charged with nothing.

  2. More cases to follow on this murder 7-8 i believe. This is gang related and they all showed up in court in red..losers sick thug POS. But there are no gangs in salisbury right JAKE..check it out joe no BS

  3. 11:27 AM yea well Genequa Winder - who was also a participant and charged with murder got a get out of jail free card and was released on her own recognizance. And now her murder charge is a Nolle prosequi.

    Hammond Taylor was also a Nolle prosequi on his remaining charges.

  4. You are a much better States Attorney than the previous one now a judge. You appreciate the officers and can give real facts. Thank God we have you.

  5. Why woyld she get a free ride 1 :43 think a little? Hopefully she wont face retaliation. She's the brave one fool


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