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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Who Runs March for Our Lives?

Follow the money.

It’s a strange political fact, but nearly every major anti-gun group has been a front group. The NRA is maligned 24/7 and yet it’s completely obvious whom it represents. Despite the efforts to tie it to everyone from firearms manufacturers to the Russians (if you can’t tie any random Republican thing to the Russians these days, you won’t be working at the Washington Post or CNN for very long), it represents its five million members. Anti-gun groups tend to represent shadowy networks.

Take Everytown, the noisiest and most dishonest anti-gun group on the scene. The one consistent thing about anti-gun groups is that that they are usually the opposite of what their name says they are.

Everytown for Gun Safety was formed out of two other groups: Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Both are actually front groups for Michael Bloomberg, the lefty billionaire and former boss of the Big Apple, who used New York City resources to host at least one of its websites.

So Everytown is really New York City.

March for Our Lives is on every cable channel, but who runs it? The photogenic teen fronts are out front. But it’s obvious to everyone that a bunch of teens don’t have the resources and skills to coordinate a nationwide movement. Instead it’s the experienced activists who are actually running things.



  1. Even a blind man can see its a far left setup. They use tragedies, they will use kids, they will use the African American citizens, you name it, they have no souls they only care about their power and their money. The political left is loosing control they are in a death spin the President is shining a light on all the corruption and its now an all out war to try to disarm the citizens. God bless the truth and the light.

  2. My mother, who is very smart and aware of how corrupt government is, has totally taken the bait on this. One of her arguments is how much money the NRA spends (lobbying for your rights). I saw a video of this March in DC. Stages, barricades, huge speaker, giant signs and banners.
    NRA puts their name on all their ads. There was a fortune spent in DC last weekend by anonymous people who prefer to remain in the shadows, and push children out onto the stage.

  3. We are going down a very dark path. It is certainly ironic the most supporters of ending the 2nd amendment are those from populations that have been at some point in history absolutely destroyed by a government, but somehow feel a government is now going to protect them. And make no mistake, if the democrats take over in 2018 and 2020 the amendment is as good as gone.


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