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Monday, March 12, 2018

WaPo Awards Keith Ellison 'Four Pinocchios' for Lies About Farrakhan Contacts

The far-left Washington Post reports that Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) lied about his associations with Louis Farrakhan, the openly anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam.

Ellison, who is also the vice chairman of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), has repeatedly denied having any association with Farrakhan after 2006, the year he entered the U.S. House of Representatives.

In December of 2016, while appearing on Morning Joe, he said that he denounced Farrakhan in 2006 and that was that. “We’re talking about something that happened in 1995. This was the year that the Million Man March took off. People were attacking the march at the time,” Ellison said. “Man, I’m telling you back in 2006 and before, I disavowed them.”

That same month, his spokesperson said that since the Million Man March in 1995, he has “had no additional involvement with March organizer Louis Farrakhan or his organizations, has long since denounced him, and rejects all forms of anti-Semitism.”


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