The University of Minnesota has invited a professor dedicated to “dismantling whiteness” to speak next week on how whiteness is an “existential threat” to the United States.
“The Elephant in the Room: A ‘Grown Up’ Conversation about Whiteness” will be presented by Lisa Anderson-Levy, an Anthropology professor at Beloit College whose teaching philosophy is predicated on the belief that “teaching is a political act.”
During her lecture, Anderson-Levy is slated to speak on a number of issues, including “the violence of whiteness” and how colleges and universities in the United States may be complicit in perpetuating this violence.
“This presentation explores the ubiquity and violence of whiteness and the ways in which academic institutions are poised to either reproduce or interrupt these discourses,” writes Anderson-Levy, referring to herself in the third person.
“She argues that whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S. and proposes that decentering whiteness is one of the most urgent social dilemmas of our time and demands our immediate attention,” the abstract adds.
Anderson-Levy will also speak on how college administrators can “decenter whiteness” at their institutions, “including in our budgets, our curricula, our disciplinary genealogies, our interactions with students, and our relationships with each other as colleagues.”
Fascism has come to America
ReplyDeleteWell if you believe the illustrations in the comic book Bible in the dentist office of youth and don't think Jesus looked like Woody Allen without a beard and glasses and deny that Africa was the cradle of civilization and we were all black once. Then yeah race debates will go on forever. Get your DNA tested you maybe very surprised to find out just what you are and where you came from. We are all more alike than not. These debates are hot right now and often occur among the same economic class.
ReplyDeleteThis is stupid, and elephants are grey, not white. Being born one color or another is not "racist".
ReplyDeleteSpouting a belief that one color skin is more or less "superior" his the definition of Racism.
So, the gangbangers roaming the Baltimore Harbor and gang beating white people, pushing them into the Harbor, and beating little kids are VIOLENT WHITE PEOPLE???
ReplyDeleteThe punks on hundreds of "knockout game" videos are all WHITE people attacking innocent and defenseless old men??
They BETTER start being nicer to white people or we will cut off their free housing, free electricity, free medical care, free daycare, and ALL cash deposits into a bank account for them. We'll cut off all the millions of black kids classified as "disabled" (by OTHER black clerks in the system) who receive $700-$2200 a month from .....wait for it.....OUR SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY (THEY never worked and never paid a dime into it).
We'll stop having 3 tutors teach your 15 year kid how to spell "cat" and we'll stop allowing your violent wanna-be bangers to go to school with other kids that actually want to learn.
We'll sterilize (or put abortion clinics on every corner in the ghetto) every black female that has a kid while still in high school (saving white people BILLIONS in all the free stuff listed above.
We'll quit giving 6"11" wanna-be sports stars free rides to $100,000 colleges even though they can't spell "cat" yet.
We'll stop adding 500 points to your SAT's so you can look like your as smart as the rest of us so you can get into a college you would normally qualify for nothing more than janitor.
WE'll stop paying for the 5 kids your daughters had by the time they were 20 years old (with NO desire to EVER work. Forever. Because WHITE PEOPLE GIVE HER EVERYTHING)
ENTIRE CITY BLOCKS of black people LIVE for the 3RD of the month and it ain't because that's when jobs are advertised.
Black people will NEVER EVER be anything until they stop finding reasons why it's everyone else's fault that they drop out of school, are pregnant at 14, have several fathers for several children, fight at the drop of a hat, commit crimes at rates far above the ratio of population, worship drug dealers, shooting cops, beating bitches up, and believing that going to prison is a PROUD moment.
GENERATIONS of black people have lived off the largess of WHITE PEOPLE.
Now, we are "toxic" and our violence is "ubiquitous". Does this dummy even know what that word means??
Here it is properly used, "Violence, murder, drug dealing, prostitution, single mothers and welfare, theft, trash, and "poor me" are ubiquitous in the inner cities".
Violence of whiteness. Yes, because that is the problem.
ReplyDeleteUmmm, You ever heard of fascism?
ReplyDeleteSelf hate is pathological behavior. Hope the medical plan at her liberal college will underwrite extensive care for her.
In the interim perhaps she should take up farming in S. Africa and see how that works out.
White,Christian ,man. Thats me and I'm proud of it. Oh i also forgot Republican. God is good and just because some nut job libtard snowflake says different don't make it true.
ReplyDelete8:47 PM, hit the nail on the head - so very true.
ReplyDelete@8:47 pm. How right you are. But it is not just the inner cities. It's everywhere there are blacks. Their attitude is just plain terrible. But that's our fault also. I blame it on intellectual inferiority. While all of Europe and Asia evolved, they stayed in the stone age. Cannot increase your intelligence that way.
ReplyDelete"“She argues that whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S.. . . " Then how did we evolve as the greatest nation on Earth in less than 300 years of History and Africa is still in the stone age after thousands of years?? And who are the biggest threat to Americans safety? Yep, you guessed it. Quit your damn crying.
ReplyDeleteIf whites are so oppressive, then how did she become a so called professor? How did she serve in the Air Force being a black woman if we are so oppressive? Racist idiot needs to keep her racist mouth shut. Everything is the white mans fault.