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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trump Slams Bush: Iraq Invasion "Single Worst Decision Ever Made"

President Trump slammed former President George W. Bush over the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq - referring to it as "the single worst decision ever made," and that it was comparable to "throwing a big fat brick into a hornet's nest."

Speaking to a group of GOP donors at a Mar-a-Lago closed door lunch and fundraiser, Trump also mocked Bush's intellect: "Here we are, like the dummies of the world, because we had bad politicians running our country for a long time," reported CNN - which obtainedleaked audio from the event.

"That was Bush. Another real genius. That was Bush," Trump joked. "That turned out to be wonderful intelligence. Great intelligence agency there."

In the past, Trump has been notoriously critical of the decision to invade Iraq, slamming Jeb Bush during the 2016 primaries over his brother's decision to invade.



  1. I agree . In 2003 when the war started I voiced my opinion to anyone that would listen. I said the Iraq war was a mistake and I was told I was not a patriot and was also told we would rather fight them over there then here. I'm sure most of the people posting on here are the same ones that slammed me then but won't admit it.

    1. Lol you voted for Crooked Hillary lol.

    2. Is your comment meant to be racist because of my color?

    3. 9.22. You must have been one of those that slammed me but you refuse to admit I was right. By the way crooked Hillary voted for the war.

    4. 9.22. I don't understand your comment. I agree with President Trump that the Iraq war was a mistake, so why would you think I voted for crooked Hillary? That is like saying President Trump voted for crooked Hillary

    5. 10:08-I saw no racism in his comments. Your an idiot. Im not being racist, either.

  2. Trump is correct, but it matters little now.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I agree . In 2003 when the war started I voiced my opinion to anyone that would listen. I said the Iraq war was a mistake and I was told I was not a patriot and was also told we would rather fight them over there then here. I'm sure most of the people posting on here are the same ones that slammed me then but won't admit it.
    March 5, 2018 at 7:44 PM

    I, like you, questioned the reasons for attacking Iraq then. Mainly because most/all the attackers home country was, Saudi Arabia. And then, of course, was the fiasco of WMD's.

  4. Invading Iraq was a big mistake and the primary cause of most of the trouble in the middle east.Saddam had Iraq in check.Dubya is an idiot and will go down in history as such.President Trump is correct.MAGA Mr President.

  5. Govt knows how to Win a War , but after that it fkkks up !!

    Stop Nation Building ....Take care of OUR Nation !!!

  6. Kennedy's war in Viet Nam was just as bad...

    1. True, but the soldiers were not treated as heroes when they came home.

  7. Really funny Mr Trump.
    Theses wars are profit centers for globalist banking families.

    As if Mr Trump doesn’t already know that!

  8. Really funny Mr Trump.
    Theses wars are profit centers for globalist banking families.

    As if Mr Trump doesn’t already know that!

  9. Criminal that our troops were treated as expendable by the
    Govt corrupt azzholes who sent them to wars they should
    have Never been in, in the first place ......

    Was all about $$$$ & Power rather than any Honorable reasons

    Politicians should have went to Prison !!

    All the $$$$ waisted & worse, LIVES waisted in these wars !!!

  10. Worst Decision , was Not Finishing off Saddam Regime army
    the FIRST TIME there , there should not have been a 2nd
    time there !!!! Keep Politicians OUT of the Wars & let
    our Military do it's job !!!! Keep Media Out too !!!

    1. I respectfully disagree. If we had taken out Sadaam in the first war, the end result would have been the same, just twelve years earlier. The creation of ISIS was a direct result of Iraq war.

  11. A car accident is a mistake.
    Iraq was like speeding up to t-bone another car at the next intersection, intentionally killing the other driver, getting your friends to take the wrecked car and part it out and stealing your own passengers money to replace the dead guys car.
    Iraq was not "Oops, bad decision" it was intentional, it was illegal and Bush was more deserving of being hung than Sadam.


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