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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

'There'll Be a Civil War': Watters Blasts John Paul Stevens' Call for 2nd Amendment Repeal

Jesse Watters reacted to an op-ed by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens who said "March For Our Lives" participants should seek a repeal of the Second Amendment.

The 97-year-old Stevens, a Republican nominated by President Gerald Ford, said repealing the right to bear arms is the most effective "lasting reform" that could be sought on the matter.

"There'll be a Civil War if you take away the Second Amendment," Watters said. "[The government would say] surrender your weapons or else."



  1. Stevens = nursing home.

  2. Can you IMAGINE the snowflakes in a CIVIL WAR LOLOL BRING IT ON.

  3. The old man should take the fat failed presidential candidate and head back in the woods. They are retired and defunct.

  4. I'm sticking with the "or else" option, so I bought another gun toay.


    Tommorrow I'll buy the armor penetrating ammo to go with it.

    There's going to be a problem trying to take it.

    The day these Nazi's say "surrender weapons or face prison" is a day that will be more infamous than Pearl Harbor.
    And a LOT more violent.
    They think we are subjects not citizens and we'll need to teach them the difference.
    As Tom Cruise said in a movie, "Remember, you ASKED for this".
    Keep cheering.

  5. Glass Marbles fired out of a shotgun go right through bulletproof vests, I got a bunch loaded up.

  6. The government MUST disarm the population.
    It simply must happen.

    The FED will continue to prop up the dead economy with fiat US Dollars until the government can accomplish this task.
    They cannot allow the economy to crash while Americans are armed.


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