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Monday, March 26, 2018

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

The stories became far too frequent to ignore.

Emails from folks with allergic or digestive issues to wheat in the United States experienced no symptoms whatsoever when they tried eating pasta on vacation in Italy.

Confused parents wondering why wheat consumption sometimes triggered autoimmune reactions in their children but not at other times.

In my own home, I’ve long pondered why my husband can eat the wheat I prepare at home, but he experiences negative digestive effects eating even a single roll in a restaurant.

There is clearly something going on with wheat that is not well known by the general public. It goes far and beyond organic versus nonorganic, gluten or hybridization because even conventional wheat triggers no symptoms for some who eat wheat in other parts of the world.

What indeed is going on with wheat?

For quite some time, I secretly harbored the notion that wheat in the United States must, in fact, be genetically modified. GMO wheat secretly invading the North American food supply seemed the only thing that made sense and could account for the varied experiences I was hearing about.

I reasoned that it couldn’t be the gluten or wheat hybridization. Gluten and wheat hybrids have been consumed for thousands of years. It just didn’t make sense that this could be the reason for so many people suddenly having problems with wheat and gluten in general in the past 5-10 years.

Finally, the answer came over dinner a couple of months ago with a friend who was well versed in the wheat production process. I started researching the issue for myself, and was, quite frankly, horrified at what I discovered.

The good news is that the reason wheat has become so toxic in the United States is not because it is secretly GMO as I had feared (thank goodness!).



  1. Monsanto (My Satan) is an evil corporation. They are destroying crops worldwide and seek a monopoly on food production. By destroying organic and natural crops, all farmers will be forced to buy their seeds.

    Truly evil

  2. Gluten is a protein. Having a gluten allergy or intolerance just means your body isn't able to efficiently break down this protein. It causes an autoimmune reaction which causes discomfort. It's not some evil mystical substance. Don't like the radical ways we have to farm? Start supporting responsible farming. It's hard to say no to those extra dollar bills

  3. My cousin is a farmer and grows winter wheat. Around late May, they spray the fields with roundup to get the crop to harvest sooner so they can start a second crop like Corn or Soybeans. They have been doing this for years since the Eighties.

    I think they were sold a bill of goods from Monsanto about this and assured them that this was safe to use. Some of my relatives have died early of cancer from some of the chemicals that they have used in the fields from Monsanto. His wife also died from handling and washing his clothing after years of being around these chemicals.

    I know this stuff is making us all sick. It's all in the name of increasing profits and having more than one crop in a growing season.

  4. See the FDA is not our friend! and they allows us to be poisioned. This crop is just one of many.

  5. It is hard to believe Monsanto advises farmers to deliberately poison our food.
    They know Round Up is poisonous and should not be eaten.
    What a terrible company.

  6. Yep. A lot of us already know all this.
    This isn't your grandma's wheat anymore - none of our food is.
    I suggest when buying wheat products get those manufactured out of this country.
    I do.

  7. My wife and daughters suffer from celiac disease which is an autoimmune disorder from gluten. They experience it even when they do not consume wheat even by-products. They even experience it from chicken eggs that are processed commercially. No so when they eat eggs from free range chicken So Celiac is a real disease but I have said for years I believe Roundup Ready wheat and Roundup sprayed on the wheat prior to harvest is one of the main causes of it morphing into what it is today.

  8. 254
    The article states the problem with difficulty in digesting American wheat is NOT because of gluten.

    It blames the problem on the widespread use of Round Up, which is a poison manufactured by Monsanto.

    Thank you

  9. So, how do you get that second crop of corn or soybeans to grow on fields freshly sprayed with roundup?

    1. The seeds are genetically modified to handle the left over, if any poison allowed to field. The round up Farmers use had a very short life span of effectiveness, but it sucks around in a dormant form, can be planted over.

  10. The same monsonto that created agent orange- THAT’S WHO IS SPRAYING OUR FOOD.

  11. 522
    One must use Monsanto seeds.
    that is how it grows on poisonous soil

  12. Say it ain't so....right here in our heartland. Hard to believe our government would allow anything to harm us. Although they allowed the last dude to squat for eight years in our house. Now he wants to resist, spray his stinking self.


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