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Sunday, March 18, 2018

The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76. He roamed the cosmos from a wheelchair, making discoveries that changed how we see the universe.

The Cambridge-educated physicist overcame a disability to become an emblem of human determination.


  1. I had no idea that he was this old.

  2. Too bad, if the Reaper needed a body he should have took Hillary Clinton, she deserves it more than Steven.

    At least his soul is at peace now.

  3. I guess his big bang THEORY will finally be put to rest when he meets his maker. You cannot produce a big bang without two objects. So who provided those gases, ions or whatever collided?

    The truth of the word is the big bang.
    RIP Hawkings. Hopefully you did not ignore your savior for eternal life

    1. As Hawking said....”Religion is a fairy tale for those who are afraid of the dark”.

    2. Tell that to a Muslim.

  4. Didn't see it coming ?

  5. Oh Pi Day nonetheless. RIP genius!

  6. It seems crazy that the smartest man on the planet still could not figure out a cure to Lou Gehrig disease.
    The human body is still the biggest mystery in our universe.

  7. Its also Einstein's birthday. Weird.

  8. I guess they couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

  9. He died a long time ago. Cambridge University has just been keeping him propped up in that chair so that their professors could keep putting out their theories and attributing them to Mr. Hawking.

  10. He made fun of religion.

    The pretentious, elitist, arrogant people who think they are somehow superior to anyone with faith are in for a BIG surprise.
    Consider this. Twelve men witnessed such other worldly, supernatural, and stunning acts by Christ (including raising the dead!) that they felt the need to travel (walk, mostly, and with zero compensation or reward, go to the ends of the known Earth to tell people what they saw. They were ridiculed, beaten, tortured and killed for what they said. No matter what, they told the same story, even while being crucified. Official GOVERNMENT records record these events, so it ain't some "fairy tale".
    Do you know ONE PERSON who would come up with a story like that and NOT recant as they set him on fire??? Or give up material comforts and walk thousands of miles to tell a LIE???
    They just made it up and swore to NEVER waver, no matter what???
    You are being what is called "willfully ignorant".
    Just for the uninitiated, the Big Bang theory is FULL of unanswered questions, contradictions, and some pretty big mysteries. Evolution has the same problems, only some may say even bigger ones.
    We all believe what we believe. Hawking was brilliant beyond belief.
    He did NOT have ALL the answers, however.

  11. He is the third and final Steven Hawkins

  12. He was the smartest man to ever live, and made fun of organized religion, makes you think don't it.

  13. He was a story teller. Spoke of theories & hypotheticals. Once he left the realm of math (no denying he was a genius there), and that which could be proven, he was just a story teller. No different than the religions that he mocked. I wonder if being an atheist is still satisfying to him now? And I guess, like him, that I will not know for sure, as long as I am still alive.

  14. Hell will be full of intelligent people who failed to acept the truth of the word.

  15. Sorry, he was NOT the smartest to ever live.
    Ever heard of Newton?
    9:42 said it well.....he was a brilliant mathematician and physicist, but he was just a storyteller, espousing HIS take on religion. Not the absolute truth. Just his OPINION.
    Just like the Hollywood idiots who profess the correctness of their views on political issues, he has a right to say whatever he likes about religion.
    We have have the right to say "you are a math teacher. Stick to math".
    Because one is brilliant in math doesn't mean one is brilliant in farming, or parenting, or religion.
    I'm still thinking that right about now, he is extremely sorry for saying that BS.

  16. 939
    LOL - hilarious

    It flew right over most people's heads . . .

  17. March 14, 2018 at 9:21 PM

    Imclain, Imclain, Imclain.

    I know u think u are doing good, and maybe u are. But you are just a little wrong. For instance, if you read all four Gospels, you should notice that all 4 Gospels are different from each other as well. Each one has at least one thing added, or one thing taken away from another.

    Mr. Hawkings was many things and excelled at each of them. To say to him "go back to being a math teacher", like that is the only thing he knows anything about is just silly.

    He admitted he was an atheist. He didn't believe in a God. That doesn't mean he didn't know religion. Have a nice day.


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