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Friday, March 23, 2018

Thank God Its Friday 3-23-18

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Another wonderful Friday sunrise here on the shore. Waves are calmer, more people on the boards, warmer weather next week - just about time for fishing!

    Drink, head out in a few hours to begin HH, drink, hit the casino, drink, watch College Basketball and drink!

    Love TGIF's!!!!

  2. Actually working a Saturday. Haven't done that in awhile. Hope to close a few deals.

  3. Exercising my 2nd amendment. Just picked up another 500 rounds.

  4. I am a teacher so i have to stay home all weekend and plan next weeks assingments ha ha NOT

  5. I'm gonna drink beers with Jake Day and his friends. Maybe they'll make - errr, I mean find - me a job.

  6. Working and not having time to get drunk...again.


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