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Thursday, March 01, 2018

"Take The Guns First" - Trump Breaks With Republicans Over Gun-Control Plan

Update: US Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE). a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement regarding President Trump's comments today on due process and the Second Amendment:

"Strong leaders don't automatically agree with the last thing that was said to them. We have the Second and due process of low for a reason.

We're not ditching any Constitutional protections simply because the last person the President talked to today doesn’t like them."

President Trump told a group of lawmakers that they must do something to keep guns away from mentally ill individuals - even if that means raising the minimum age for rifle ownership to 21, Bloomberg reports.

His remarks appeared to contradict a CNN report from earlier in the week, which quoted anonymous White House aides saying Trump would soon walk back his support for raising the age limit.

But on Wednesday, in what the New York Times characterized as a "shocking" break with his Republican Congressional allies,Trump told lawmakers during a televised meeting in the Cabinet Room that easing gun owners’ ability to carry concealed weapons across state lines, a provision of the House-passed gun bill and the NRA’s top legislative priority, should be part of a separate bill, a strategy favored by Democrats. The House bill combining background check provisions with the loosening of concealed carry rules has stalled in the Senate after passing the House. Instead, Trump said he supports the proposal from Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., which he says is best positioned to pass. Sen. Amy Klobuchar agreed that the Manchin-Toomey bill is a "good place to start."

"It would be so beautiful to have one bill that everyone could support," Mr. Trump said as Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, sat smiling to his left. "It’s time that a president stepped up."

Per the Times, Trump repeatedly suggested that the dynamics surrounding the gun control debate had shifted, in part, because of his presence in the Oval Office - a remark that earned him cheers from Democrats.



  1. In the end I really do not believe this is what he believes should happen. But I have been wrong before.

  2. I think President Trump is turning into a politician, sad.

  3. Trump is getting BAD advice he needs to wake up and see how Dems are drooling at him going against the base he is being used ...Dems do not want guns in schools because they want shooting Chaos so the NRA is attacked paid for by.......... GEORGE SOROS.

  4. Trump is starting to piss off his base and the Dems are Drooling.

  5. If the president can't see he is having the wool pulled over his eyes by the Democrats and Soros then I am done with him.

  6. Emergency petitions, protective orders and the new order they are working on. This is already happening in Maryland and has been for 10 years.

  7. Make everything 21...own a gun, get a driver's license, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and join the military!

  8. Another example of him going back on his word. Can't you shorebillies realize he's in it for the power, not to represent you

  9. They should make guns illegal just like drugs and then no one will have them.

  10. 1204, no they can't. Too busy being so hell bent on conservative vs liberal they can't see straight. Finally some folks are starting to see that agreeing with whatever the last person said to you and attacking anyone that doesn't agree with your thought with juvenile taunts is not leadership.

  11. Read my lips! Mexico will pay for the wall. I'm pro-NRA!

  12. What the President is referring to are called "Red Flag" laws and some states already have passed this law. Mental illness, domestic violence, threat escalations and substance abuse are the circumstances in which a judge can order weapons to be taken away. It is requested to a judge to issue an extreme risk protection order. This is not a suspension of due process as some are claiming.

  13. Anonymous said...
    What the President is referring to are called "Red Flag" laws and some states already have passed this law. Mental illness, domestic violence, threat escalations and substance abuse are the circumstances in which a judge can order weapons to be taken away. It is requested to a judge to issue an extreme risk protection order. This is not a suspension of due process as some are claiming.
    March 1, 2018 at 4:33 PM

    I thought there was something like that especially in the case of domestic abuse charges.

    I hope Trump is maneuvering for a deal and not actually denying due process. The 2nd is a touchy subject and it can make or break a pol. He needs to be careful or he will be a one term president.

  14. Shall not be infringed . . .


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