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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Trump Loses The Drug Dealer Vote: Death Penalty Will Be Part Of White House Opioid Response

When President Donald Trump once again praised Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte for his encouragement of the extrajudicial killings of drug dealers and drug users last week, many in the audience in Moon Township, PA., probably thought this was more authoritarian posturing from a president who has made no secret of his respect for strongmen like Duterte, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"I don't know if it's popular. I don't now if that's unpopular," Trump said, after asserting that some drug dealers are responsible for thousands of deaths.

But it looks like Trump will soon learn the answer to what many probably thought was a rhetorical question.

Because as it turns out, Trump was actually providing a sneak peak into his long-awaited comprehensive plan to combat the opioid epidemic.



  1. War against people instead of a war against the plants from which the drugs are made.
    Stop guarding the poppy fields and burn them down.
    The Taliban will thank you. (they don't believe in drug use)

  2. Worthless symbolic gesture. It costs millions more to deal w a death penalty case than life imprisonment. That money could be spent better elsewhere.

  3. 134-The Taliban profits off the drugs.

  4. 628
    That's what the US government wants you to believe.
    The US soldiers are guarding the poppy fields


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