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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Stop Making Children Into Moral Authorities

On March 14, high school students from Parkland, Florida, led a school walkout in favor of gun control. The media have already appointed student witnesses of the horror at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School untouchable moral authorities; their opinions are not to be questioned.

But now, the Left has found even more sympathetic faces for its agenda: kindergartners. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Schools are grappling with how to address the event with children as young as 5 years old and with finding ways for children who are too little to be told about school shootings to take part.” Children in pre-K at Manhattan Country School will sing “If I Had a Hammer” and “Paz y Libertad.” Public schools like PS 321 in Brooklyn allowed children to do activities linked with the protests.

There is something deeply perverse about using children to promote a political agenda. Children simply don’t know anything about politics. Sometimes children ask questions that help us rethink the world because they’ve had little experience with it — when my four-year-old daughter asks questions about the universe, that prompts me to further learning and research. But she doesn’t have answers, because she’s a child.



  1. This should be a wake up call how dangerous the liberal party is and how low they will stoop. The MSM is in the back pocket of these liberal thugs. Also lets not forget tbe public schools throwing in there two cents. If there should be any walkouts it should be the kids not wanting to be puppets to the anti everything party.

  2. Maybe...just maybe...they don't want to be shot up at school?

    1. Well maybe... just maybe... they shouldn’t be gun free zones!!

  3. Maybe...just maybe..If parents would pay more attention to raising their children in a responsible manner, instead of brain washing them into believing that anyone who has a gun is a bad person....they wouldn't be shot up at school?


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