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Monday, March 19, 2018

Stars are rewriting their wills to include CGI do’s and don’ts

Hollywood stars can now be digitally recreated so convincingly, that actors are reportedly specifying in their wills what they’ll permit their images to do — long after their death.

“We can recreate dead actors,” Mike McGee, co-founder of the special effects company Framestore, told The Daily Telegraph.

“Actors alive now are already selling their image rights for films which will be made when they’re dead,” McGee says. “In their will, they have decided what constraints they want.”
Framestore recently set up a commercial for a chocolate bar using a digital recreation of Audrey Hepburn, after her sons approved it.

But some actors don’t want to leave their post-mortem script decisions to chance or their families.



  1. The height of arrogance.

  2. 12:24 not that I disagree but in this day and age it's more of a reaction to their image being used in the future.

  3. If my face is trademarked and protected, I would expect it to be used by my lucky heirs the way I see fit after I'm gone.

  4. 3:44 It will be - Jackass is in the dictionary.


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