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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Seattle Police Begin Gun Confiscations: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges

A man in Seattle has had his gun confiscated by police after breaking no laws. The police took his gun without a warrant and without pressing any charges. Tyranny has officially taken hold on American soil.

This sets a precedent that government can now forcefully take guns away from an individual without a crime being committed or an arrest being made and without a warrant. In the name of fear and political exploitation of anti-gun rhetoric, a citizen’s Second Amendment rights have been ripped away from him by the government.

The new “red flag” law, which has taken hold in other states already, allows the courts and law enforcement to take away guns from individuals they deem are dangerous and they’ve just begun the confiscation. A man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington became the first individual in the state to have his firearm confiscated without any formal arrest or charges. The man was not identified by authorities.

Neighbors complained that the man had been “staring” at people through storefront windows while wearing a holstered firearm. He was not brandishing his weapon by any account, and open carrying is legal in the area, so he was abiding by the law. Other residents also complained that the man’s open carrying made them feel “uncomfortable” and “unsafe.”

“He was roaming the hallways with a .25 caliber automatic,” said Tony Montana, a man who lives in the same apartment complex as the gun owner and a person without any reasonable gun knowledge. Handguns are semi-automatic.



  1. Get a good lawyer and see a big payday.

  2. Lets be careful here. If authorities did there jobs with Cruz he might have been stopped and the story could have started out like this one. I think we need to be very careful, but many times when there is smoke ...

  3. Wasn't this suggested by Trump?

  4. The difference here is that Cruz DID break laws by pointing a gun at someone, made verbal terroristic threats and threats in writing. Cruz committed crimes and school and law enforcement did nothing to give Cruz a criminal record thus preventing our background check system that is in place from preventing him from arming himself and carrying out his predisposed agenda.

    That is NOT "staring" at people.

  5. So if I own a gun I had better not look at people in public, just walk around with my head down as if in shame?

  6. 736 do you put ANY thought into your comments?? Or just repeat millionaire talking heads on CNN?

  7. No body caught the name tony Montana? Scar face? Anyone


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