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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Schumer votes against Trump judicial nominee because he's white

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday voted against a nomination by the Trump administration to fill a federal judgeship -- and signaled that it's because the nominee is white.

Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor that the nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum, a white judge who is a partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough in Greenville, South Carolina, “speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary.”

Quattlebaum’s nomination, Schumer said, replaces two black judges from South Carolina whom the Obama administration nominated to fill the position — which The Post and Courier notes has long been vacant.

“It is long past time that the judiciary starts looking a lot more like the America it represents,” Schumer said. “Having a diversity of views and experience on the federal bench is necessary for the equal administration of justice.”

However, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Thursday, “Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together.”



  1. What, being a Jew isn't diverse enough?

  2. Now that's racist on two fronts, white and Jewish!

  3. It's all for Kamala Harris. Fake Marches, fake diversity, guns, mainstream media etc. probably cancel cable because it's all your going to see and hear about in a few months.

  4. I think then we should just start removing all WHITE DEMOCRATS from political positions
    Bet they don't go for that

  5. White people hating white people How ignorant can that be.

    When was the last time you saw a black person vote against a black person because he was black?

  6. These idiots are our "Leaders" and "Represent" us?

    I seriously do not think so, but the sheep that voted them in office need a serious ethnic cleansing!


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