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Monday, March 26, 2018

Rapper Killer Mike: ‘Progressive’ Gun Grabbers ‘Going to Progress Us into Slavery’

While students and activists geared up to march in Washington, D.C., and across the country in support of new restrictions on the Second Amendment, rapper Killer Mike warned that gun control is way the progressive left can return black Americans to slavery.

In an interview with NRATV’s Colion Noir, Killer Mike explained how the left equates gun control with 'progress' and observed, “[They are] going to progress us into slavery.”

In the lead-up to the March 14 school walk out for gun control, Killer Mike said he told his kids, “I love you, but if you walk out that school walk out my house.”

“You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.”

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  1. Why would anything this guy says be relevant ? I am pro 2nd amendment but who cares what a rapper has to say

  2. Get over yourself 12:36pm, This guy gets it! Gun control originated to keep guns from the new freed slaves...that was the FIRST legislative gun laws and done by democrats!

  3. Joe
    Google the rapper chance and the new Light Heineken commercial UNREAL.

  4. I have a feeling that vaccination would be be more efficient. Everyone is now taking the vaccinations because they are mandatory in youth. If he wants to get all paranoid about some gun amendment then lets take it all the way.....

  5. 1:34 Great point! I need to do a little more research myself.

    12:36 - I will accept anyone that wants to help fight this battle no matter where they come from. Stop acting like a democrat!


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