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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Put up or shut up.

For the last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has tried to put the flap over her disputed claims of Cherokee ancestry behind her by embracing tribal causes, but apparently it’s not working.

Calls are rising in Massachusetts for her to take a DNA test in order to resolve once and for all, whether she’s really a Native American as questions surrounding her lineage continue to dog her Senate reelection campaign.

The Berkshire Eagle, a Massachusetts newspaper that endorsed her in 2012, called Tuesday on Ms. Warren to “screw up her courage and take the spit test,” saying that a positive test “would permanently resolve the issue—while possibly shutting down President Trump.”

Even if the test shows no Cherokee ancestry, “it would be an opportunity for the senator to perform an act rarely seen among politicians: an admission of her error and a full-throated apology to Native American tribes and anyone else offended by her spurious claim,” said the editorial.

More here


  1. Maybe it'll work out for her in another way, that she has African-American genes in her, so she can smoothly transition to making hay out of another oppressed people.

  2. 23 and me DNA test. Test results within a month and very accurate. This all she has to do is spit into a small test tube, seal it and mail it to them. Percentages are given in the test results.

    1. How do you know the test is very accurate? Who is the unbiased third-party that can state that?

  3. Everybody should have one done. The results would open a lot of eyes.

  4. ...or maybe she just needs to put on a headdress of feathers?

  5. I don't need a test. If I feel like being a Indian so be it. If I may feel black on a day or two why not. I was born a male but sometimes I identify as female. Works for me.
    Democratic politicians sometimes or most often feel like a snake as they sliver along in the swamp.
    Man it is great to be here in the good ole USA. I love President Donald J. Trump but can't see how he can "MAGA" when it is already so awesome.

  6. "23 and me DNA test. Test results within a month and very accurate..."

    Accurate sometimes, sometimes not even close. I am of Scandinavian descent with blond hair and blue eyes and know my family history. 23 and Me said I was 32% Nigerian, 12% Ivory Coast and the rest various sub-Saharan African. Not even close!!!

  7. Indians are not attractive people.Who knows,she may be one.

  8. Dear readers,

    23 and me is nothing more than a broad scatter assay, and by no means definitive. However, there are multiple, and very reputable, companies that offer much better buccal tests (cheek swabs). To truly be definitive, a blood draw would conclusively prove or disprove - I personally reccomend GeneDX, a Maryland company out of Gaithersburg. Regardless, I personally feel that the Senator will not be able to wiggle away from this as her potential hopes for a 2020 run just collided with science.



  9. Anonymous said...
    How do you know the test is very accurate? Who is the unbiased third-party that can state that?

    March 10, 2018 at 10:35 AM

    I agree. I don't trust those tests for anything. So many people are wasting their money on those tests and they think it's going to tell them who their ancestors are when it isn't that specific. If you were African American it might say you are mostly AA, not that Kunta Kinte was your ancester.

    Dumb gullible white people will waste their money on anything.

  10. I watch the ID channel too much.Now hear this;when everything else fails,law enforcement uses Ancestry.com etc.They admit that on the ID channel shows.It probably takes a court order,but if everyone knew the consequences IF they had done something wrong they might give the DNA test second thoughts.

  11. Hey Lizzie - SHUT UP!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "23 and me DNA test. Test results within a month and very accurate..."

    Accurate sometimes, sometimes not even close. I am of Scandinavian descent with blond hair and blue eyes and know my family history. 23 and Me said I was 32% Nigerian, 12% Ivory Coast and the rest various sub-Saharan African. Not even close!!!

    March 10, 2018 at 11:52 AM

    I think someone got some mud for their duck.

  13. My daughter did 23 and me and it said she was 715 black1 LOL! We're about as black as the driven snow with German, French and English makeup.

    Real DNA tests are probably a little closer than 71% wrong.


  14. I've been certain from her comments, writings, and career that she is in fact completely full of spit!

  15. If she wanted to stop the remarks she'd have dna tests. She's refused, so we know she'a lying.


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