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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Pugh Promises 60 Buses To Take Students To D.C. Gun Control Rally, Nehman And C4 Discuss

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announced Tuesday she will provide 60 free buses to send students to visit Washington D.C. for a gun control rally later in March.
Baltimore @MayorPugh50 & Police Commissioner @Darryl_De_Sousa approach crowd of hundreds of students protesting gun violence as they chant “NO MORE BS!” pic.twitter.com/cHbUxzxWAV
BREAKING: Baltimore @MayorPugh50 says the city is organizing 60 free buses to send students to DC for the march against gun violence later this month. Says “let’s show Washington DC that Baltimore matters.” Wants 3,000 city students there. Will be providing lunches and t-shirts. pic.twitter.com/g4QIoS9baA
Pugh made the announcement to citizens through a megaphone on Tuesday in front of Baltimore City Hall. The March For Our Lives rally is planned for six weeks after a Florida school shooting left 17 dead.

"We are providing at least 60 buses so that our students from our city can take their voices to Washington D.C. so that they can hear what we have to say," Pugh said while standing next to Baltimore City Police Commissioner Darryl De Sousa. "We believe as you believe, that there should be no guns..."


  1. They should march through the streets of Baltimore (Americas most dangerous city). That is where their message needs to be heard

  2. But they dont have money for school resources, heat and repair. How about teaching them not to rape rob and pillage the citizens like your doing?!? You purposely created and grow this hellhole of a city because you benefit from its chaos and crime.

  3. Nothing is free. You is paying for the 60 buses and gas and the driver fee. Soros? Obama? This has to stop. The donors should be named.

  4. Is Catherine paying for this out of her own stash?

  5. Shouldn't she keep those students in school, their attendance and graduation rates are some of the worst in the country. Oh yeah if they want to demonstrate in their own city as Baltimore is the deadliest when it comes to firearm violence.

  6. Are breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack included?

  7. Didn't I see recently they couldn't afford to heat their schools?

  8. 100s of law enforcement will be working overtime to provide protection. Swat, tactical operations, k9, ambulance service the list goes on. This will cost D.C. And Baltimore millions of dollar to cover first responders. Let's not forget this will all take place in a gun free zone. Total craziness.

  9. Why don't they spend that money to find who murdered Det. Suitter?

  10. The state has to give this city money all the time and she is going to piss money away on this?

  11. what State funds are being used? She better be more concerned over the illegal guns in Baltimore and the gang activity in Baltimore. She needs to quit being a racist anarchist and do her job in Baltimore

  12. Apparently Baltimore has too much money.

  13. Maybe she should get Baltimore in line before going somewhere else

  14. Right..... The police commissioner is leaving his gun home too.

  15. They can't afford to fix their schools- remember broken, frozen water pipes and no heat earlier this winter- but they can afford 60 free buses, lunch and t shirts for their little darlings to go to DC to protest gun violence, when the city can't go 48 hours without a murder. Makes sense to me - NOT. another reason to be glad I don't live in B'more.

  16. They can reunite with DeRay!

  17. Unbelievable, Unproductive and that wig is totally Unappropriate!

  18. and who will pay for the buses after they riot and burn them to the ground


  19. Follow the money -----------> $oro$.

  20. How is that gun control working for Baltimore???

  21. 3000 or so seniors from western md. would like to protest the high humidity of md. summers at ocean city on july 4th. please send free buses, free lunches, and free sunscreen instead of t-shirts.

  22. 12:50
    I know your comment had a bit of sarcasm in it but believe it or not they are providing free meals and a t-shirt.

  23. So, who's gonna pay for this?

  24. Does the mayor expect all the bro's in the hood to turn over their guns whan they become illegal?

  25. Just another way for the Democrats to use the African American people like always. Would feel sorry for them but if you like being used then so be it.

  26. We can only hope the buses fall into the Potomac. Just saying crime would drop by at least 3%. As for who killed Suitter look no further than the criminals still on duty in that dung hole department. No one wnated him talking. The new Chief seems to have connections with the gang bangers. They stopped killing for a week lol. Burn the mutha down.


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