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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Poll: Majority of Facebook Users ‘Likely to Quit’ Over Privacy Concerns

A Rasmussen poll shows that 51 percent of Facebook users are “very” or “somewhat” likely to quit Facebook over privacy concerns.

Rasmussen, one of the most accurate pollsters in the 2016 presidential election, polled 639 Facebook users and found that the recent scandal currently embroiling the social media giant appears to be taking a toll on users’ trust.

Only 17 percent believe their “personal data” is “very” secure on Facebook, while 31 percent believe it is only “somewhat secure.” A full 48 percent believe it is either not “very secure” (31 percent) or “not at all secure” (17 percent).

When asked, “How likely are you to quit Facebook all together because of privacy concerns?,” a majority of 51 percent said “very” (16 percent) or “somewhat” likely (35 percent).

Only 47 percent said “not very” or “not at all likely.”

Facebook is currently under fire over the news that a data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, harvested information from millions of Facebook users. At first it was believed that the firm worked for the Trump campaign in 2016, but that now appears to be just another piece of mainstream media fake news.



  1. Never started a FB account in the first place - waste of time

  2. Quit Facebook no need, never got on it because of my privacy concerns.

  3. All enemies foriegn or domestic. So Stop pussy footing around. Its time to go after and lock these closet communists infiltrators off the US map.

  4. And I have been called crazy, behind times and everything under the sun Looks like I was the smart one for not agreeing to their agreement and privacy agreement. All I can say is to everybody else "How Do You Like Me Now"? I also asked who was the crazy, stupid and be hind times.

  5. FB appeals to the "Me" centric in my opinion... while I see legitimate uses for business, I still don't see the appeal - I have heard some ppl say they use FB to keep in touch with family/friends/etc. - while that is true, maybe they should just dump their brag pages and pick up a phone!

  6. Gee, just because I post every waking moment of everything I do on my facebook account doesn't mean they should collect data on me!


  7. It has some benefit in keeping in-touch with dispersed family and actual friends occasionally, where calling each or sending each an email would be cumbersome. Which is why it did provide a useful tool earlier on.

    Slavishly chronicling each breath or step you take is overkill.

    They are at a crossroads since information voluntarily provided can only be monetized if it continues to flow. Users off-line generate little income, and those who hit Delete My Account provide none. Their elevator can descend as fast as it rose. Lots of users appear poised to hit the Unlike button.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Never started a FB account in the first place - waste of time

    March 27, 2018 at 12:45 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Quit Facebook no need, never got on it because of my privacy concerns.

    March 27, 2018 at 12:48 PM

    All your comments here are a waste of time, and I'm only including two of them. Here is a cookie, now go to bed.


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