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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Planned Parenthood Affiliate: ‘We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion’

Planned Parenthood Keystone, a Planned Parenthood affiliate that serves much of eastern Pennsylvania, tweeted Tuesday that "we need a Disney princess who's had an abortion."

In that tweet, which as since been deleted without explanation, the group also said "we need" a Disney princess who is pro-choice, an undocumented immigrant, a union worker, and transgender.

Twitter Screenshot
Planned Parenthood Keystone covers most of the eastern half of Pennsylvania, excluding Philadelphia:


  1. The wolf will testify about hen safety

  2. Democrats are a sick sick breed.

  3. Keep advocating for the worst, the strangest, the weirdest, and the most morally corrupt of people and things.

    And we will keep kicking your sorry aces.

    The sky ain't green.

    Let's hear some more from your loser heroes, whining hillary and perv Joe.
    We will kick your ace so far down the road, you'll change zip codes.

    THAT is something to cheer.

  4. Is the Liberal line of thinking "anyone can be a princess" or is it "there can be no princesses"?

    I'm confused.

  5. Mental illness on display.

  6. What we really need is a disney princess who carries a pistol to protect her character from stupid liberals.

  7. Well they do have "Trailer Trash Barbie".

  8. disney is crap! so maybe they ought to have a transgender princess!

  9. Since the pope has no declared there is no hell. Thats because we are in it!! The pope has lost his mind and his soul. The word and truth he seeks not!!


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