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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Pictured: Captain who told deputies to 'stage' at school shooting

The police captain who told sheriff's deputies to 'stage' and form a perimeter outside Stoneman Douglas High School as students and teachers were shot inside on February 14 has been named and pictured.

Jan Jordan, 49, was in charge of deputies who responded to the first calls of the shooting in Parkland, Florida, last month, according to police sources.

The 27-year force veteran was issuing commands from her radio.

At 2.32pm, ten minutes after the first call to police that shots had been fired, the following command came from Jordan's radio: 'NEED PERIMETER'.

It was included in the police log from the day with her radio call sign, 17 Sierra 1.



  1. Lesbian in control of men.

  2. He looks like a She.

  3. This is what DemocRATS do it pushes there NRA agenda the more killed the better FACT

  4. that's because you promote college students to Captain, instead of using common sense and allowing police to do their work or job. This BONE head has probably NO street tine, became a cop and probably moved up ranks because she was smart, not street smart.

    Salisbury has a ton of them. I know at least one in the Ivory tower that came out of the academy with NO road time, and the only goal was to be in admin.

    BAD, BAD choice to promote like this. National Accreditation doe this shit.

    1. Im sure you took the time to gather info in the womans bio before makimg this statement.....

  5. It's All on her then ...should have Disobeyed her orders !!

    1. Disobey a order like that and your indicted. And if you make a mistake after disobeying your going to prison Remember he couldn't see anything or how many shooters he only new what his radio was telling him. 500 people running in all directions. I said in the beginning more to it.

  6. If you were in that school and took any comfort in the fact there were multiple police officers RIGHT OUTSIDE, protecting and serving, well, uh, sorry.
    They want to wait outside and hope THEY get the kill shot on the perp.
    Kids that are still inside, screaming and bleeding out while rifle rounds echo?? They're own their own, with that "cover and hide" stuff.
    Thank God the police were safe. Outside.
    The parents are grateful, too.
    All they want to know is "who were you protecting, other than yourselves?"
    Taxes only cover radar units (to keep you safe.....) down there, I guess.
    Someone needs to tell them about the "we run INTO danger" thing, huh?

  7. One only has to follow Lawful orders !!

    Kids Lives were at stake

    Not a judge in the world would blame an officer for
    going in to SAVE the kids.....screw Her orders !!!!!


  8. Too many Idiots like her on the Forces in America , Put in
    CHARGE !!!!

  9. Man wannabe. Pathetic.

  10. "I'm as good as any man!"

    No, no you're not.

  11. 6:10 PM is absolutely correct. This is common place not only at SPD but at many police agencies. A person can have multiple college degrees; however, if they are not street savvy or do not have any common sense they will never be a good cop. The best police supervisors are the ones who had some time actually working in the trenches. They have a better understanding of their subordinates and garner more respect. The push for minorities and females in police work often create these issues.

  12. Distraction from the truth about the event.
    It was a highly planned intelligence operation with 3 shooters.
    The boy was a Shamrim victim / patsy who took the fall.
    He will be rewarded for his role as will all of the "victims".

  13. Coward, Liberal Lesbian Dyke!

  14. And she gets to keep her job, but they let the scapegoat take the heat.

  15. Another reason that "gender" shouldn't be in police work and definitely not in a leadership role.

  16. So they are trotting out another fall guy? Fall girl? Fall person?

    This was an intelligence operation with multiple shooters.
    All of the evidence is being suppressed.

  17. The MSM has said nothing about this , at least I haven't heard . This event of killing will die like the rest because the MSM is left , and the the truth is coming out now.

  18. She should have never been in the police department at all. Most women that are police officers, have no business being one. They have not got the strength of a man. Whenever I have seen any police show, almost every female police officer does nothing physical. They get promoted, just to get them off of the street patrol and also just because they are a female.

  19. The bottom line is the F.B.I. failed in a basic investigation that would have saved 17 lives. The Principal of the high school is culpable as well. This no shooter left behind thanks to Ohbammy and his cabinet. We keep kids who are obviously deranged and violent in school with our children. Then when they finally have the balls to ex spell the little retards it is to late. Lets face it if that Principal was a white man his head would be on a pole. This sissy liberal # this # that world we live in can be blamed for a lot of this. Just because a man reads the bible it does not make him a Christian. Just because you test well for promotion in law enforcement that does not make you a leader of police officers. Happens all the time people promoted because they have degrees in history or B.A. really lol. Nope that Caitlyn want to be did just what she learned in some class room. What do you want from a society that watches the Kardashiens and glamorize Rappers. Sorry Babs and Mikey if the shoe fits.

  20. get smart BEFORE a disaster occurs.Even a cave man can figure it out AFTER a disaster occurs.

  21. Proof that a cop takes too long to act when there’s a shooting. Buy a fun learn to shoot it- wear it. Pew pew life.

  22. This Gentleman looks like he should have had to Balls to go inside himself. Unfortunately, a School Cop will little bullets will be the only one going down for this BS. I feel bad for calling the School guard a coward when he was actually falling the orders of a Coward Captain.

  23. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain by getting those cowards that are responsible.

    1. SOROS Clinton bush Obama SOROS.


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