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Tuesday, March 06, 2018

NRA Memberships Surge in Wake of Anti-NRA Protests, 'Media Bias'

National Rifle Association memberships surged in the wake of the anti-NRA protests and “media bias” that followed the February 14 Florida school shooting.

The Daily Mail reports that Google searches for “NRA membership” rose “4,900 percent” since the Florida attack. That rise occurred at a time when many Democrats, media personalities, and Hollywood celebrities were denouncing the NRA as causal in the shooting that took 17 lives in a gun-free zone.

The Hollywood attitude was epitomized by writer-director Judd Apatow, actress Mia Farrow, and comedian Chelsea Handler, all of whom responded to the Florida school attack by calling out the NRA to drive a wedge between voters and pro-gun legislators.

For example, Handler tweeted:



  1. It looks like this backfired exponentially. People are joining the NRA in record numbers now! After all, NRA members have committed how many mass shootings?

    Like ZERO?

  2. I joined last week for a year


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