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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Not wearing seat belt prompts cops to seize $92,000

Wyoming takes action to torpedo 'bizarre' law

The issue of rules that allow law-enforcement agencies to confiscate cash or other property during an investigation has drawn attention recently.

Such confiscations are often allowed even if no criminal charges are ever filed, and those losing the property must go to court to get their property.

For lawmakers in one state, however, those laws have gone too far.

The Institute for Justice is reporting lawmakers in Wyoming have banned the practice by officers of “badgering” drivers stopped on traffic infractions to sign pre-written waivers transferring title to property, including cash.

The bill, “Roadside waiver of property rights prohibited,” was signed recently by Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead.



  1. $92,000 after the cops took their cut?

    1. Wow, you saw it happen? I've been on the job twenty years and have never stolen money. I have Seized large amounts of US currency from drug smugglers and went to court gave testimony on my investigation and judge/jury ordered the money to be fortified. Hard working people don't like drug smugglers profiting off selling poison and murders innocent people. At least that is what I've learned. Thanks.

  2. This is why I have the second amendment on my side. The cop would learn the meaning of the second amendment as well as the punishment for stealing 92,000$ from me.

  3. How can anyone think it is ok to pressure someone to sign over their property to the police on the side of the road? How is this still happening?

  4. 1022
    Does that include the CIA and US Military?
    They bring the drugs into the Country so the locals can sell it on the street.

    I hope you include them as well in your disdain for "drug smugglers / dealers"

  5. The seatbelt laws were always about having an excuse to illegally stop and search citizens.

    The government does not care about people.

    It never made any sense because if I don't wear a seatbelt and get into an accident, it will in no way harm anyone except for myself.

  6. The mafia has run wild but never killed anyone.

    That's what they say, anyway.

    It's F'ing highway robbery by armed agents of the government, who are judge and jury, too, when their place has NOTHING to do with that.
    I agree with 10:13....
    You take my money like that and there isn't much I can do at the time, being THAT close to becoming another dead citizen who argues with cops.
    But they might as well move out of state the next day.

    Rob ME??? Bad things will happen to you.
    It is NOT ILLEGAL to carry ANY amount of cash. Unless you have to face Barney Fife.
    Then, a speeding ticket from him also includes strong arm robbery.

  7. He's off his meds again.

  8. 10:05...Hit too close to home for ya, Barney?
    Notice he stays "anonymous" and notice he doesn't argue FACTS.

    When all you get is one bullet and the bike route, you probably don't have a lot of reasoning powers.

    And I'd have more meds, but your momma keeps stealing them. She's not giving them to your boyfriend is she??

    You didn't use your one bullet shooting the black guy in his backyard because he was holding a cell phone, did you?
    I know how afraid you are ..... of everything.
    Wait. I think I hear yo momma calling. Breakfast is ready, Barney.

  9. You are a funny old man with lots of issues. Pretty pathetic to go through life so miserable and filled with hatred.


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