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Thursday, March 01, 2018

‘No more violence’ school walkout ends with arrests after students attack police, smash car windows

Students in Stockton, California walked out of class Friday as part of an anti-gun protest, only to undermine their own message with vandalism and violence against armed police who corralled them back to class.

Students from multiple Stockton schools ditched class en masse a little after 10:30 a.m. to chant anti-gun slogans and wave signs demanding an education in a place where they “feel safe,” Fox 40 reports.



  1. 8th most dangerous city in the U.S.
    Ranked "America's Most Miserable City".
    Home of a Universal Basic Income strategy, giving $500/month to city's poor.
    Average income is $20,000 under the state's median income.
    The mayor is 27.

    It's got some problems.

  2. Liberals... you so crazy

  3. And this is the type of things that make good Americans purchase guns.

  4. And we should be listening to them?

  5. Where are all the adults? Have we become terrified of teenagers?

  6. Antifa, Saul Alinski, Progressives, Socialism is good

  7. I think our boy mayor is trying to make the bury like Stockton.

  8. Give the teachers there guns and see how fast they end up in the hands of the students.

  9. According to 9:35, all the school shooters ever got their guns off somebody else's waistband.

    What an idiot!


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