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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Mueller 'probing Trump's attempt to force Sessions out'

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating President Donald Trump for allegedly obstructing justice by trying to force Attorney General Jeff Sessions from his job, it was reported on Wednesday.

Mueller, who is investigating alleged collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russiaduring the 2016 presidential campaign, has been interviewing witnesses in recent months over a series of tweets and statements made by Trump last summer about Sessions.

Both Trump and Russia have denied there was any collusion.

The special counsel is said to be trying to determine whether Trump wanted Sessions out so that he could appoint a replacement who would then try to interfere with the ongoing Russia probe.

News of Mueller’s line of inquiry was reported on Wednesday by The Washington Post.



  1. I'm really struggling to figure out how you can't be wealthy but still be so stupid. These tariffs are idiotic. His actions are childish. He's played more golf than the Presidents before him he criticized so heavily yet you call yourself a patriot. Supporting him blindly.

    1. So you like foreign countries ripping America's off. They charge us more for products than we charge them. A tariff is just a fair trade. Yes he plays golf -so what. He doesn't travel across country like Obama to play golf. Obama played more golf than at Tiger Woods ever played and that includes when he started with his family. You seem to be blinded. Just read what he has done for this country or are you still in bed at noon. Do something good. Join the military. Get a life.

    2. Explain why this is idiotic? example: obama was a liar because he said he would get rid of the patriot act day one if elected. He won the election and did the opposite by signing into law. See how it works?

  2. Trump should fire Jeff mainly because he stinks at his job. Of course CNN will say its obstruction but who cares, they will say it anyway.

  3. What the hell is Mueller? Getting really tired of this a$$hat. No other president had personal opposition party watchdog like this. And, why are letting this happen?

    1. I agree. He without sin cast the first stone. Mueller

  4. Mueller is down to investigating things that literally didn't occur.

  5. @ 11:07 He doesn't play much golf unless he's working on a deal and invites the parties involved unlike Obama he's been a huge success in repairing our country.

  6. Dittos 8:42
    11:07 you're clueless...


  7. Will this increase prices on American products? Probably. The question is how much and will that increase be offset by increased employment and, thereby, a potential reduction in taxes due to reductions in welfare and unemployment payouts. Our major steel import partners are Canada and Mexico. There is no reason why either of those countries can not enter into a trade agreement which would significantly reduce the tariff on steel from those two nations. The same applies to all the other countries on that list. What a tariff does is force foreign sources to raise their prices on imported commodities to allow domestic sources to compete. It allows a nation to be self sufficient and not dependent upon a foreign source. And, all countries do this, even China. Of course, China also uses a selective use of Value Added Tax, restrictive procurement directives, restrictive use of Quarantine Inspection Permits, government restriction of market access, movement of American R&D and patents to China and outright piracy of intellectual materials to harm the US economy, as well.

    Now, the position of the US in any trade war is one of advantage. As the US constitutes 27% of the world market for consumer goods and has a horrible balance of trade [we import significantly more than we export], by using domestic sources to meet out consumer needs, we can minimize the negative effects of foreign tariffs.

  8. Mueller is operating outside the scope of his investigation...Nothing about trump colluding with Russia so what is he doing ???

  9. Mr. Albero , I'm sure you have noticed that this Russia investigation has gone on way too long . For those of you who haven't come to grips with it , here is my thought : It's very simple child psychology that Trump is good installing in the dumb a$$ democrats. Also he now understands that even if he agrees with them they will reverse and disagree. He is also pulling the same thing on the GOP who have become democrats in sheep's clothing. The man is a smarter than you think. He may even get a third term!


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