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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Migrants Taking Berlin Back to Dark Ages

Incompatible cultures foster strife

“Isolated” cases of abuse and discord by migrants in Berlin are becoming all too familiar to Germans, with one school official even admitting “we are heading toward the Middle Ages.”

For example, German media is now forced to report on the fact that young women are called obscene names by foreign nationals for not wearing a headscarf or daring to wear a bikini.

Furthermore, a 60-year-old woman was solicited for sex by a young Arab while she was walking with her husband in a park.

“I no longer feel well and safe in this city. Something is out of joint here,”says a longterm resident.

Intense anxiety is now an everyday part of life due to the influx of Islamic migrants.

Volunteers have worked on integrating the new arrivals into German companies; however, there’s still an enormous amount of young men who won’t work.



  1. Take heed, everybody.

  2. If Anglia Merkle or perhaps a daughter or very close friend or relative were to get raped she might have second thoughts about letting all that muslim scum into her country.

  3. Islam is not compatible with a civilized society such as Western Civilization.


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