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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

#MeToo helps shine a light on lack of feminine hygiene products in prison

Growing recognition of the lack of access to pads and tampons in prisons and jails has created a wave of measures in state legislatures which aim to train staff, supply inmates with hygiene products, and raise awareness on the widespread issue.

Kimberly Haven couldn't get the feminine hygiene products she needed in Maryland's only prison for women while serving a 15-month sentence, so she made her own using toilet paper. She said that after her release in 2015, she suffered toxic shock syndrome and needed an emergency hysterectomy.

"Toxic shock, emergency hysterectomies – it runs the gamut of how women are forced to pay for, with their very health, our bad policies and our inattention to the gender disparities that exist within our system," Ms. Haven said.

Fueled in part by the national #MeToo movement, state legislatures around the country – as well as corrections officials and the federal government – are working to supply prisons and jails with adequate feminine hygiene products, train staff, and raise awareness of the longtime, widespread issue.



  1. Add those near the top of the churches' and charitable organizations' lists of things to donate to the women in jail.

  2. You are supposed to line the panties with the toilet paper, not stuff it in "there" for a tampon! No wonder she made herself sick.

  3. You want female hygiene products don't go to jail. 'DUH' !!

  4. 2:17 PM she made her self sick? I think the for profit prison made her sick by not supplying the most basic needs.

    1. It's always someone elses responsibility.... pitiful.

  5. "After her release" she got sick? Sounds like the prison had nothing to do with her illness. Only her own bad hygiene habits caused her illness. They have a name for nasty women like that.

  6. How could this have gone on unnoticed or ignored? You'd think that in a women's jail that these would be handed out on demand, or even issued on a monthly basis for all those with a working set of pipes.

    1. Happened under obama so who knows? He let everything involving women go unnoticed. Do you ever think you would see a day when then head of HOMELAND, UNITED NATIONS and CIA would be Female?? Go Trump.

  7. Wow! The lack of understanding by the local populace of women's menstruation needs and the inability to even discuss it using the proper terminology speaks volumes to why this area is considered backwards. Unbelievable. Women in prison deserve basic hygienic supplies.

  8. And we care why? No really, why do WE care?

  9. Basic needs ARE met. Women in prison are provided with maxi pads. They may *want* tampons instead, but they probably also *want* steak for dinner but end up eating hamburger. When you go to jail, you lose your right to choose the "finer" things. Also, no one force her to stick things up her va-jay-jay and leave them there for too long. Therefore, no one can be held responsible for HER actions. Of course, she'll probably get a million dollar settlement - because that's how our society rewards criminals.


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