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Sunday, March 25, 2018

MD High School Shooter Used Handgun He Was Prohibited from Purchasing

When 17-year-old Austin Wyatt Rollins opened fire in Maryland’s Great Mills High School, he did so with a firearm he was prohibited from purchasing.

Investigators are now trying to ascertain how Rollins acquired the gun.

The NRA-ILA lists gun laws by state, and that list shows that Maryland law requires the purchaser of a handgun to be 21 years of age. (Federal law also requires that handgun purchasers be 21 years of age.)



  1. and the internet praises this because it was a pistol instead of an assault
    rifle because he would have killed more people with an assault rifle.

  2. Geee lets think about this for a second... A kid who wasn't of age to buy a handgun had a hand gun to use in a school shooting...

    So lets say this again, A kid who wan't of age or supposed to have a hand gun, had a hand gun, then used it to shoot up a school...

    So lets pass more age restriction laws for guns becasue having a law for someone 21 or older to be able to purchase a gun still got a kid under that age a gun, YEP makes sense to me!!!!!! lets pass more background checks for guns, because geee they certainly work don't they??? Which is why you have to keep passing anti-gun laws every time there is a shooting, becasue they don't work to begin with, becasue they are not fixing the core problem...

    Kids didn't used to go round shooting up schools and places back in the day, years ago, geee I wonder why that is!!!!


  4. Kinda makes you wonder how these laws that are being proposed are going to be enforced.

  5. SO lets read this quote very very carefully!!!!

    The article said and I quote:

    "Moreover, Maryland gun controls put in place in 2013 require would-be handgun buyers to submit fingerprints to the state police beforehand. The Baltimore Sun reports that would-be handgun purchasers must also undergo training. pay a fee to acquire a handgun license, and go through a seven-day waiting period before being allowed to acquire a handgun, even if they are of age to do so."

    "Yet the 21-year age requirement, fingerprint requirement, fees, and licensing requirement, and seven-day waiting period did not prevent 17-year-old Rollins from having a Glock 9mm pistol Tuesday morning."

    Are you getting the picture yet??? That gun control laws don't really work from stopping this mess??????

  6. Liberal Communists won't stop until YOU are disarmed then you will see the depth of their depravity.

  7. Someone tell me again how passing more laws will help???

  8. Now the left will try to outlaw handguns and the slide down the slope will start.

  9. Here's a case where the perpetrator ignored/disobeyed the law! We'll most likely find out that it was secured someplace and he defeated that security control as well!

    Laws don't stop bad people intent on wrongdoing - in this case, they make the victims more vulnerable...

    Thank goodness for a good-guy with a gun!

  10. So, I ask all you libtards. What new laws would have prevented him from having this gun? Any answer other than "none" and you're lying.

  11. Every time there is a school shooting, you are losing the battle to keep your firearms.

  12. Hillary Tweeted "So glad he used a handgun to do his killing, now we can also push to ban them".

    1. Yup.
      And Carl Anderton just helped weaken our rights.

  13. There should be a law to shoot liberals.

  14. Outlaw All black on black crime ? Lol.

  15. A bullet from a handgun will kill you just as easily as a bullet from a rifle, as this dumb kid found out.

    I am sorry for the parents.

  16. The registered owner of a gun used to commit a crime should be liable for the same crimes as the person using it in cases where the person could not legally possess the weapon.


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