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Tuesday, March 06, 2018

McNaughton’s Latest Painting Depicting Trump with U.S. Flag

A Utah artist is making a statement on the controversies surrounding the NFL protests in his latest work of art depicting President Trump holding an American flag.

Jon McNaughton, an artist who is no stranger to controversy, released his latest painting last Tuesday titled Respect the Flag—showing a somber-looking Trump holding a battered American flag close to his heart while standing on a football field.

“It’s Donald Trump standing on a football field, and he’s picked up the American Flag that’s been trampled,” McNaughton told KSTU. “It’s got grass stains on it, and he’s trying to wipe off some of the mud, and he’s looking at everybody and saying ‘What are you doing? Why did you do this?’”

More here


  1. Why does everything have to be controversial these days?

  2. Kneeling in protest bad, and disrespectful to the flag.

    Doing a trash job of vetting folks who have clearly demonstrated shady connections then giving them access to highly sensitive information and the opportunity to provide policy advise to the heads of US government; it's all good bro! Throwing your own cabinet officials and leads for all of your intelligence agencies under the bus because they won't tell you what you want to hear; again, all good bro and in good standing with the flag.

    Do I understand this correctly?

    1. CNN told you so. Lol.

    2. 433 sorry clown. While you doofs were busy drooling over Melania, you missed all the clear warnings on Manafort. His shady dealings were well documented. You see, those of us who hold allegiance to facts, information, amd the truth call out any and all politicians for wrong doing, not just the ones with the letter of our choosing by their name.

  3. 9:40 spot on, except you forgot to deflect the blame back to Hilary or Obama. Rookie mistake

  4. Can't wait for the portrait depicting Trump getting pissed on by strippers.

  5. 11:42 AM - You should do that yourself. We'll take up a collection for some new crayons for you.

  6. 1142 - no different than your Kennedy boy's tag-teaming Marilyn, eh?

  7. LOLx2 at 1053 and 1142.

    - 940am

  8. OUTSTANDING painting! MAGA!!!

    1. Makes me want to puke.
      Impeach the coward!!

    2. Your obviously trash by your lack of intelligible writing ability..blah, blah idiot!


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