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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Liberal Logic


  1. Silly picture.
    Everybody knows the police will arrive soon and set up a perimeter. Then they will arrest some pimple faced kid for the crime who happens to be walking away from a local chapter of Shamrim where he has been groped by a bunch of old men. They will blame the kid for the crime whether he did it or not. After all, he is probably a mentally disturbed kid, seeing as how he has been victimized for years by the Shamrim group (of which the local sheriff is a member).

    Crime solved.

    Move on people. Nothing to see here.

  2. Exactly !! get more Tide Pods , after first doing a Background check of course !!!

    Don't bother calling the police either since they don't
    want to come in , and will only make a perimeter !!!!

    Looks like you are on your own , should have bought a Gun !


  3. Look for self defense Tide pods in your choice of pastel shades, or our new camo color.


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