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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Laura Ingraham Takes on Baltimore Mayor's Use of Budget


  1. Why does the one on the right look like she just crawled off a barroom floor?

  2. Is this from 2018?
    If it is, the tune hasn't changed since the Baltimore Sun did an article on the city's budget shortfalls on March 30, 2017.

  3. Laura don't take no sh!t.

  4. well, she is black, a demoncrat, a woman, and lives in ghetto central. what would anyone expect?

  5. She pretty much said that she can piss away the discretionary budget money any way she sees fit, including pacifying her constituents with a politically motivated day trip for kids.

  6. Well, I pushed the race button, the sexist button, and the demoncratic button, but got rejected. lol. That's fine. I didn't really expect it to pass muster.

  7. Check out this mayor's eyes and tell me what you think. If she is substance-free she is high on life. Too relaxed lol

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, I pushed the race button, the sexist button, and the demoncratic button, but got rejected. lol. That's fine. I didn't really expect it to pass muster.

    March 28, 2018 at 11:42 AM

    Well, I stand corrected, you did publish it.

  9. What drug is he mayor on?

  10. Here's another example of what's being done for black inner city youth. Get 'em on the Democrat train as fast as you can! Use taxpaer funds to do it!

  11. She is a follower of ex-Mayor of DC and wants her statue in Baltimore Inner Harbor

  12. With "leaders" like that, who has any question why that city is SUCH a toatl piece of trash??
    If she ain't high on something, I'll donate $100 to the Black Panthers.

  13. Just one more line???


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