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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lara Trump Hits Back At Rumors

Trump campaign spokesperson Lara Trump brushed aside reports Thursday that the Trump team is worried about a potential run against former vice president Joe Biden.

Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, appeared on Fox News’ “Outnumbered” to talk about rumblings that the campaign is concerned about Biden running for president in 2020.

“Well, it’s interesting to me that they said that. That’s news to me. The only thing we’re worried about is that Joe Biden has been living off the swamp for five decades now. And if that’s the person that the Democrats want to run, that they think the American people want, I wish them a lot of luck with that,” Trump said.



  1. Trump should know by now NEVER to understimate an opponent..especially Joe Biden.Joe will throw everything imaginable out there just like he would have if he had even thought Hillary could lose.The days of smooth sailing will be over,with Trump emerging the victor.

    1. Joe is too laid back. Every country would be walk all over him. Besides do you want more taxes.

  2. Bring it on Joe. We need a good laugh

  3. I wonder how much the American people will bring up Biden's series of sexual harassment displays

  4. Creepy Biden is a guaranteed lose.

  5. I'd be more worried about Sanders-Warren ticket. The millennial snowflakes and welfare dependents that comprise about 1/2 of the citizenry will see that as their ticket to nirvana.

  6. 8:36 AM - you are a tad misinformed.

    If Biden doesn't what his Pedophilia making headlines he will keep his mouth shut.

    The Democrats are behind the porn star crap. Shes not bright enough to come up with this on her own. Someone is footing the bill - because when she loses she will owe Trump millions.

    They are starting early planting their seeds. It won't work on those of us who are awake.

    1. Just look at Biden with his hands over women and children. It is embarrissing.

  7. As long as Trump keeps doing what he has been doing for the last year, I don't think anyone has a chance to evict him from the white house.

  8. If Biden won he would be the GROPER IN CHIEF.

  9. One thing for sure is we know for a fact that Creepy Joe is a groper and a pedophile. We have him on tape.

  10. The Dems that bad of shape they need to pull a retread out as the party representative????



  11. Food for thought: Hillary was likely compiling real or fictional dossiers on both SocialistDemocrat and Republican candidates.

    Biden was lurking in the Senate beginning in 1973; would take two men and a boy to carry that dossier. Running his mouth - Yes; running for President - Don't think so.


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