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Friday, March 02, 2018

"It's Okay to be White" Signs 'Horrify' Residents of Pennsylvania Town

“It’s completely racist”

Some residents were “horrified” after over a hundred “It’s Okay to be White” signs were plastered all over Emmaus, Pennsylvania.

The signs have been popping up in different places for the last three weeks, with Borough Manager Shane Pepe calling them a “distasteful” act of “vandalism”.

“I mean, we’re surrounded by white privilege nowadays, it’s just a fact…so it’s completely racist to say ‘it’s OK to be white’,” Joshua Westbrook told WFMZ.

Another resident said they were “horrified” by the signs.

At least 100 have been torn down, but they just pop up again the next day. Police are now working with residents to try to track down the culprits.

“As fast as they are getting torn down, someone is putting them back up the next day,” states a post on the Emmaus Borough Facebook page.

“If you see someone that is NOT a Borough worker doing something at one of our signs, please call the police.”



  1. Racist? Heck no. It is ok to be white! Or black or Brown or any mixture at all. Skin color does not make the person!!

    1. Right, agreed!!! Love the skin God put you in. Nothing wrong w/ loving who you are, white, black, asian, latino etc., etc.,

  2. Bunch of pansies!

  3. we are surrounded by white privilege?
    ignorant statement.

  4. Is it okay to be White in America ?

  5. Are the objectors to the signs saying it isn't okay to be white? Wow, they can't be any more racist than that! Is is obvious that there is a "war" on white people in this country, and it's coming from the Democrat liberals, both black and white. And they wonder why America voted for Trump after having a racist, illegally documented and unqualified, black Muslim president for 8 years straight. His goal was to start a movement against our white dominated society, and he succeeded.

  6. How did they feel about the BLM signs?

  7. Considering that "being white" in the 21801 puts one in the minority, I do not find this racist at all.

  8. Didn't Kermit the frog sing a song about being green?

  9. Yes folks , it's a commin!

  10. So the "black lives matter" movement is acceptable. It is O.K. to be white, and "white lives matter" as do ALL races.

  11. I'm totally disgusted that I volunteered to defend this nation and the rights of its citizens. I didn't sign up for the garbage that goes on today. Someone please tell me where ALL this white privilege is. I'm a WHITE make service connected disabled veteran that has had my benefits denied once then totally vanish at the appeal level over the last 4 years. But today we have free education for anyone at WOR Wic. We have illegal immigrants getting any and all living assistance to come live in this country. Me I am on the verge of losing ALL mobility because of injuries sustained in the marine corps. To ALL you assholes screaming white privilege I'm having a hard time living off if mine!!

  12. Wow, it is THAT easy to get a town riled up?
    And one doesn't have to hurt anyone or break any laws?

  13. Surrounded by white privilege... Where's my white privilege I work on average 50 hrs a work so I can pay my bills feed my kids and buy them clothes. I had to pay my own college tuition by working. I thought everyone in this country was able to do this if they choose to so what part of my life is white privilege. It's the home of the free in this country so we all have the same opportunities if you CHOOSE to work for them

  14. White and proud!!


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